Volume 718, Page 785 View pdf image |
785 use & behoofe of the said Charles his heires & Assigns And to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And the said Charles Blake & Henrietta Maria his wife do hereby for themselves & their heires Covenant promise Grant and agree to & with y.e said Charles Carroll & his heires that they the said Charles Blake & Henrietta Mariah his wife do hereby for themselves & their heires & their heires all the said Island & p.rmisses unto him the said Charles Carroll & his heires ag.t all manner of persons whatsoever claiming or that may Claime any right title Interest or p.rtence of in or to the same or any part or parcell thereof shall & will for ever ^after^ warrant and defend And that the said Island & p.rmisses at the ensealing and Delivery hereof is clear & free of & from all manner of Incumbrances whether Arrears of Rent or otherwise or if any arrears of rent be due that he the said Charles Blake his heires ex.rs or adm.rs shall & will discharge & pay the same so as the said Charles Carroll be no way molested or damnifyed thereof In Witness whereof the said Charles Blake & Henrietta Mariah his wife have hereunto put their hands & seals the day & year first above written Cha (Seal) Blak (Seale) The forgoing Deed thus endorsed Seald & Delivered Talbott fs Memd that the 8.th day of July in the p.rsence of Anno Dm 1703 came the within named Phille Lloyd Charles Blake & acknowledged the within Rich.d Tilghman deed to the within named Charles Carroll to him his heires for ever Before us Phill Lloyd Justices of Rich.d Tilghman Talbot County |
Volume 718, Page 785 View pdf image |
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