Volume 718, Page 707 View pdf image |
707 Or required In wittness whereof the parties first above named to these present Indentures interchangably their hands and seales have sett the day and year first above written On the back of the afd Arthur Thompson (seal) Deed was thus Endorst viz.t Sealed and Delivered In the presence of us To the hon.rble Justices of the prov.ll Court Robert Tyler These are to Certifie that on the Robert Wade Twenty fifth Day of August Annoq.r Dm 1702 Came into prince Georges County Court held at Charles Towne Before the Justices of our sovereigne lady the Queen then and there setting the within named Arthur Thompson in his owne proper person and did acknowledge the within written Indenture or Deed of bargaine and sale to be the proper Act and Deed of him the said Arthur Thompson according to the direccon of the act of assembly in that Case made and provided In Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale of the said County Court the day and year abovesaid Robert Tyler Robert Wade Aug.t the 25.th 1702 Then Came the within named Arthur Thompson sedente Cura and acknowledged the within Deed Edward Willett Dep.ty Clk March 20.th 1702/3 Then Rec.d of Joseph Wilson one pound Twelve shillings sterling being in full for the alienacon of the within Deed by order and for account of M.r James Heath Enrolled May 28.th 1703 P me 18½ sides Josiah Wilson sher p W Taylard Clk |
Volume 718, Page 707 View pdf image |
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