Volume 718, Page 696 View pdf image |
696 Evidences previledges profitts Touching Concerning or any wise belonging to the premisses or any parte or parcell thereof together with all the right title and Intrest of him the said W.m osborn of in and to the same premisses or any parte or parcell thereof to have and to hold all and singular the Granted and Demised or hereby Mentioned bounds unto him the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes for Ever to the only proper use benefitt and behoofe of him the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes for Ever more and the said W.m osborne Doth for himselfe his heires Executors and administrators and for Every of them hereby Covenant promise Grant and agree to and with the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes in Manner and forme following that is to say that he the said W.m osborne now have good right fully power absolute and lawfull authority to grant and Convey the afforementioned parcell and tract of land and premisses with the appurtences unto him the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes in Manner and forme as afd and that it Shall and May be lawfull to and for the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes to have hold occupy use posses and Enjoy all and singular the above Granted premisses with the apurtences for Ever and alsoe that he the said W.m Osborne at the time of thensealing and Delivery hereof hath in himselfe good right full power and absolute Authority to grant bargaine and sell all and singular the said land and premisses with the appurtences unto the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes for Ever in Manner and forme afd and that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the (said) |
Volume 718, Page 696 View pdf image |
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