Volume 718, Page 695 View pdf image |
695 presents Doth Grant bargaine sell alliene Enfeofe release and Confirme unto the said Joseph Wilson his heires and assignes for Ever all that peice or parcell of Land scituate lyeing and being in Baltemore County upon the East side of a River Called Bush River and the west side of a branch Called by names branch it being it being a branch of the afd bush River Called and Knowne by the name of Osborn Lott begining at a bounded Gum standing Close by the branch near the land Called Anns Lott and runing up the branch North and by west one hundred and Eighty perches to a Great bounded poplar one the side of a branch then runing west south west four hundred and Eighteen perches then runing south south East Two hundred and Eighty ^three^ perches till it Intersect a parcell of Land Called Littleton then runing and bounding on the said land East North East Two hundred and fourteen perches till it Intersect the afd land Called Anns Lott then runing with the said land North North west one hundred and Eighty perches then runing by a Straight line to the first bounded tree Containing and formerly laid out for five hundred Acres of be the same more or less together with all and all Manner of houses out houses trees woods underwoods wayes waters water Courses profitts Comodityes advantages Emoluments and appurtences whatsoever to the same belonging and appertaining and alsoe Deeds writeings pattents Jurisdiction (Evidences) |
Volume 718, Page 695 View pdf image |
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