Volume 718, Page 637 View pdf image |
(637) Edward Rumley his heires and Assignes for Ever In Manner and forme before Menconed and Expressed and according to the True intent and Meaning of these presents and alsoe that the said Edward Rumley his heires and assignes shall and May from hence forth at all times hereafter for Ever Lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy all and singular the Land and premisses before Menconed and intended to be hereby Granted and Every parte and parcell thereof with the appurtences without the Lett suite Trouble Disturbance Molestacon Eviccon Deniall or hindrance of him the said Thomas Roper his heires or assignes or any other person or persons whatsoever Free and Clear and Freely & Clearly acquitted and Exonered Exonerated and Discharged of and from all and all other and former Gifts grants bargaines sales Leases Mortgages Judgm.ts Executions Extents rents arreares of Rents fines forfeitures uses wills Dowers and titles of Dowers or Anuities and of and from all other Estates titles trobles and incumbrances whatsoever the rents and services from henceforth growing Due and payable unto the Cheife Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the premisses always Excepted and foreprized and Moreover that he said Tho.s Roper and his heires and all other persons Claying any right Estate of in or to the said premisses hereby bargained as afd or any parte or parcell thereof by from or und.r him or them shall and will from (time) |
Volume 718, Page 637 View pdf image |
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