Volume 718, Page 332 View pdf image |
(332) Thomas Blake Sher (seale) Marin Mogan (seale) his Georg X Sealy (seale) W.m B Burton his (seale) marke marke his W.m X Woodward (seale) John I James (seale) Marke his his his John I Willis (seale) Peter p fowler (seale) marke marke his his Jn.o I Dickson (seale) Richard P P Pollard (seale) marke marke his Chr + Norman (seale) marke Humphrey Smith (seale) By the Honor the house of Burgesses The Humble Peticon of Dan.ll Cuming humbly sheweth That yo.r pet.r being Putt into y.e office of Gate keeper for y.e porte of Annapolis by his Excy to looke after and secure w.t horses are Comitted to his chg by these p.rsens that have business at y.e said porte by w.ch means yo.r pet.r is putt to more charge then ordinary by those p.rsons resorting there on y.t Occasion Therefore yo.r Pet.r humbly prays that you will please to grant him A lycense for selling of Liquors in y.e port w.thout paying for y.e same according to y.e Custom of ordinary keepers in the same porte and yo.r pet.r as in duty bound shall Every pray &c.a By the house of Dellegates June 3.d 1697 The within pet.o being read the house is willing to grant the same and desire his Ex.cy the Governo.r and Councill to concurr therewith signd p ord.r On the back of y.e afd pet.o was thus endorsd viz.t W Bladen Clk By his Ex.cy the Gov.r & Councill July 8.th 1697 The Matter in the within Pet.o sett forth being for the Good of y.e Whole Ord.d that y.e request of y.e pet.n be granted his hono.r S.r Tho.s Lawrence who is cheifly concernd assenting thereto upon y.e sd consideracon signd p Ord.r The continuance of this order assented to by me Th.o Lawrence Hen Denton Clk Co |
Volume 718, Page 332 View pdf image |
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