Volume 717, Page 90 View pdf image |
90 From M.r Henry Stracy to M.r W.m Vyner And have also received all arreares of rent that were due for the land within menconed as wittnes my hand this twenty Eighth day of September 1678 C Baltemore May 25.th 1678 Jacob Loockerman of S.t Maryes County desired that the marke of his hoggs & Cattle might be Recorded which is as followeth viz.t Underkeeld & overkeeld in the right eare cropt & two slitts in the left eare Eodem die John Baker of S.t Maryes County desired that the marke of his hogs & Cattle might be Recorded which is as followeth viz.t Cropt & two slitts in the left eare Nov.rmt in musi & p.rntes me Willm w Canings de Civitate Bristoll infra regnun Anglie M.rchant teneri & firmiley obligari Johi Clemons de Tredhaven in Conc Talbot infra Provinciam Marie terre M.rchant in Quadringentis libris bene & leglis monete Anglie pr.d solvent eidem Johi Clemons aut suo rerto Attorn Exec Admistr vel assignis suis te que quide solucone bene & fidelit sanend obligo me heredes Exec & Administr meos firmmit p p.rntes sigillo meo sigillat date septimo die July Anno Dom ure Christi servatoris mulessimo Sexcentessimo Septuagesimo quarto Whereas the above bound W.m Canings hath before the day of the date above written bought had & received of & from the above named John Clemons or his assignes fifty hogsheads of good sound M.rchantable tobacco in cask upon his the said W.m Canings contract assumpsit & Agreem.t to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Clemens his certain Attorney Ex.rs or assignes after the rate & att the price of foure pounds of sterling money of England for each & every the said hogsheads of tobacco att the end of six yeares from the day of the said Contract being the seven & twentieth day of June last past Now the Condicon of this p.rsent Obligacon is such that if he the said W.m Canings his Ex.rs Ad.rs or assignes doe & shall in psuance & pformance of the said Contract & Agreem.t well & truely pay or cause to be paid unto him the said John Clemens his Ex.rs Adm.rs or assignes the full & entire sume of two hundred pounds of currant sterling money of England being the full Effect of & for the said tobacco on the seven & twentieth day of June which shall be in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred & eighty being the day agreed on & lymitted by the said Agreem.t & Contract for the paym.t thereof without fraud deceipt or further delay or any other p.rcept or evasion to be made touching the same but according to intent & true meaning in all points Then this p.rsent obligacon shall be void otherwise to remaine & be in full power force & vertue W.m Canings sealed Sealed & deld & the words (pformance) between the tenth & Eleventh lines of the Condicon first interlined in y.e p.rsence of Giles Blizard Benoni Bishop W.m Parratt W.m Crosse On the backside of the above bond was written viz.t Octob.r 22.th 1678 The within bond was by the oath of W.m Crosse one of the wittnesses thereunto proved to be the Act & deed of the said W.m Caning & by him signed & sealed before me W.m Calvert |
Volume 717, Page 90 View pdf image |
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