Volume 717, Page 73 View pdf image |
(73) Septemb.r 27.th 1678 Roger Tolle of S.t Maryes County desired the marke of his hoggs & Cattle might be Recorded which is as followes slitt in the left eare slitt down in the midle & ^slitt^ the under halfe cut of in the right eare This Indenture made the fourth day of June in the Third yeare of the Dominion of y.e Right Hon.ble Charles Absolute Lord and Prop.ry of y.e Provinces of Maryland & avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c.a And in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred seventy Eight Between Thomas Taylor of the Ridge in the County of Ann Arundell in the Province of Maryland Esqr Lawfull Attorny or assignee of George White of Runwell in the County of Essex Esq.r the naturall and lawfull Brother & heirs of one Jerome White late of the Province of Maryland Esq Deceased of the one partie And Ann Coppin of Dorchester County widdow And relict of David Coppin late of Dorchester County aforesaid Planter deceased of the other part whereas the Right Hon.ble Cæcilius of most noble memory &c.a by his deed of grant or pattent under his great seale then used in the said Province of Maryland Annoq Domi 1665 did for granting of lands theire bearing date att S.t Maries the Twenty Nynth day of May in the seven & thirtieth yeare of his Lordps Dominion over y.e s.d Province of Maryland Annoq Domi 1665 did for the Consideration therein mentioned Grant unto him the said Jerome White a tract of Land called Weston lyeing on the East side of Chessepiake Bay in a River called Nanticoke on the North side of the said River Beginning att a marked Oake standing by the River side near a marsh called Broad Marsh & Runing for breath from the s.d Oke south south west three hundred perches to a marked Oke standing by the said Marsh being the Eastermost bounds of a parcell of land laid out for Timothy Goodridge then of this Province planter & runing from the said Oake for length into the woods West North West five hundred seventy and six perches bounded on the North with a line Drawn from the end of the former line North North East Three hundred and Twenty perches bounded on the East w.th a line drawn from the end of the former line East South East for the length of five hundred seventy and six perches till it intersects a paralell from the first bounded Tree on the south with the said River Containing & then laid out for one Thousand acres more or lesse Together with all Rights Profitts and benefitts thereunto belonging Royall Mynes Excepted To have & to hold the same unto him the said Jerome White his heires and assignes for ever To be holden of his Lordp & his heires as of his Lordps Manno.r of Baltemore in free & Comon soccage by fealty onely for all manner of services under such Rents Conditions Limitations & Exceptions as in and by the said ^recited^ Deed of grant or Pattent Relation being had thereunto had more att large it doth and may appeare Now this Indenture Wittnesseth that the said Thomas Taylor as well in pursuance of the trust in him Reposed touching the premisses by the said Gorge White the Natureall & lawfull Brother & heire of the said Jerome White Deceased in and by one Instrument of Writeing or letter of Attorney under the hand and seale of the said George White bearing date the Nynth day of the month of September Annoq Domini one Thousand six hundred Seventy and six and in the Eight & twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God King of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the faith &c.a likewise in performance of a Certain Bargain And agreement made between the said Thomas Taylor of the one part and the said David Coppin in his life tyme of the other parts as alsoe for and in Consideration of the full sume & just quantity of Twenty Thousand pounds of good sound wel conditioned Merchantable Tobacco in Caske to him in hand well & truely paid by the said Anne Coppin at & before the ensealing and delivery of these presents for the propper use and behoofe of him the said George White the Receipt whereof hee the said Thomas Taylor doth hereby acknowledge and himselfe therewith fully satisfied & paid & thereof and every part thereof doth cleerely acquitt & Discharge the said Anne Coppin her heirs Execut.rs & adminis.rs & every of them by these p.rsents hath granted Bargained sold Aliened & Confirmed And by these presents doth fully Clearly |
Volume 717, Page 73 View pdf image |
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