Volume 717, Page 661 View pdf image |
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651) 661 Expressed limited & set down It shall and May be lawfull for him the said Edward Chilton his heires and Assignes to enter into & peacebly and quietly have hould use occupy possess & enjoy the afd land and premisses to his & their own proper use & behoofe for ever & to receive & take the rents issues & profitts thereof without the let suit trouble deiniall eviction Molestation disturbance or interruption whatsoever of him the said L Copley his heires or assignes of of any other person or persons whatsoever him them or any of them In Wittness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set & affixed their hands & seales the day & yeare first above Written Sealed & delivered in L Copley (seale) the psence of us This day being the 6.th Octob.r 92 came L Copley Esq.r Thom Tench personally before us Justices of their Maj.ties provin.ll John Llewellin Court of this Province & did acknowledge the within John [illegible] recited premisses to be his act & deed according to the purpurt & true intent & meaneing of the same Ne.a Blakiston Nicholas Greenberry William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queene Defend.rs of the faith &c Whereas heretofore William Diggs Esq.r and Anthony Und.rwood Gent of the City of S.t Marys had obtained the Lord Prop.ry writt Ad quod damn directed to the Sherriffe of S.t Maryes County by good and lawfull Men of his bayliwick to Enquire what Damages it should be to him or any Pson if there was granted to him Ten Acres of land that is to say Five Acres on Each side of a run of watter commonly called S.t Petters or the Mill Runn in or near the Citty of S.t Marys thereon to build a Watter Mill By vertue of which said writt they proceeded according to Act of Assembly in that Case made and Provided soe farr as to laying out the said Tenn Acres of land and Enquire unto the Damages &c And thereupon begun to Erect and build a Mill which is not yett finished according to law Since which time the said Anthony Underwood dyed and the right and proparty of him the said Anthony invested in him the said William Diggs his haires and Assignes Afterwards to witt the day of last past the said William Diggs for a valluable Consideracon to him in hand satisfyed & paid had granted bargained and sold remised and released unto Lyonell Copley of the aforesaid County Esq.r his haires and assignes all his right title and Intrest of in and unto the aforesaid Tenn Acres of land Mill and Mill house and all other the premisses upon the afsd land standing or growing as by the grant of the p.rmisses remaineing upon Record in the Provintiall Court relacon being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear And for that the said William Diggs has not fully complated with the act of assembly in that case Made as aforesaid soe farr as to procure unto him the said Lord Prop.ry demise of the p.rmisses but elapsed his time And whereas the said Lionell Copley Esq.r in pursueance and according to the directions of a Certaine act of assembly made at a Generall Assembly begun and held for our Province of Maryland the Tenth day of May last past Intituled An Act for Encouragement of such as will Undertake to build Watter Mills hath procured out of our high Court of Chancery in Maryland aforesaid a Writt ad quod damnum beareing Date the Nineteenth day of Aprill last past directed to our Sheriffe of S.t Maryes County aforesaid whome the truth of the Matter may the better be Knowne he should dilegently Enquire if it ware to the damage of us or others if wee Should Grant to the Said Lionel Copley Twenty Acres of land on each side of the said river on and neer the place where formerly the same was laid out that is to say Tenn Acres One side and Tenn Acres on the Other Side of the Said runn of Watter together with liberty to take sell cutt downe and carry away either by land or watter any wood or timber fitt for building a Mill other then timber fitt to Splitt into Clapboards upon any the lands next adjoyning to the Said Twenty Acres of land lying on Each side of the runn of Watter And if it be to the Damage and p.rjuduce of us or other then to what Damage and p.rjuduce of us and to what damage and p.rjuduce of others and of whome and in what manner and here and whatt Vallue they are by the yeare according to the true vallue thereof Now before any further impeachm.t Mad of the said Twenty Acres of land and of whome and in what manner and how of where or whome the aforesaid Twenty Acres of land are holden and by what Service and who are there p.rsent Possesso.rs of the said Twenty Acres and what and Tenem.ts remaine to the p.rsent Possesso.r our the said Twenty Acres and if the land remaineing over the said Twenty Acres to the present Possesso.rs will suffice to uphold their Manno.r viz.t the sixth part of their Manno.r allotted by the Condicons of plantacons for the Demesne as before the Alenacon soe as the County by the Allienacon aforesaid in defaalt of the p.rsent Possesso.rs more then was nont be not charged or agreived as the Inquisicon thereupon openly and distinctly made to us in our Chancery under his seale and the seales of of them by whome it should be made without Dalay he should sent (togeather) |
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Volume 717, Page 661 View pdf image |
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