Volume 717, Page 617 View pdf image |
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607) 617 This Indenture made the Twentieth day of October Anno Dm 1688 and in the fourth yeare of the Reigne of our soveraign Lord James the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defend.r of the Faith &c.a Between Penelope Cornwallis Widow relict & sole Executrix of the Last Will & Testament of Thomas Cornwallis late of Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolke Esq.r deceased of the one part and Edward Pye of Charles County in the Province of Maryland Esq.r of the other part Witnesseth that the sd Penelope Cornwallis for and in consideration of the sume of seaventy one pounds of Lawfull Mony of England to her in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these p.rsents by the sd Edward Pye the receipt whereof the sd Penelope Cornwallis doth hereby acknowledge and her selfe to be thereof doth clearly acquite exonerate and discharge the said Edward Pye his heires Ex.rs Adm.rs and Every of them forever by these p.rsents Hath granted bargained sold release and confirmed and by these p.rsents doth grant bargaine sell release & confirme unto the sd Edward Pye his actuall possession & seizin now being by vertue of a bargaine and sale to him made for one yeare by Indenture bearing date the day before the date hereof & made or menconed to be made between the sd Penelope Cornwallis of the one part and the sd Edward Pye of the other part and by force of the statute for transfering uses into possession in that behalfe made & provided and to his heires All that Tract of Land lyeing on the East side of Piscattaway River scituate Lyeing and being in the said Province of Maryland in the parts beyond ^the^ seas called by the name of Mattawoman Neck or by whatsoever name or names the same is or hath bin heretofore called or known Begining at a marked Ash tree in a Swampe in or neare an Indian Towne Runing into the woods Nine hundred and sixty p.rches on the East by a Southeast line there on the South with a line drawne West from the end of the said southeast line in a Fresh runn of a great Creeke called S.t Thomas Creeke and with the sd Creeke Runn and Creeke on the West w.th the sd River for the Length of one hundred & Fifty p.rches on the North with the River for the Length of one Thousand six hundred p.rches containing and Laid out for Five thousand acres more or Lesse all which p.rmisses are now in the possession of the Indians and also all the Estate right title or Interest in heritance Reversion claime and demand whatsoever of her the sd Penelope Cornwallis either in law or equity of in or to the p.rmisses with the appurtenances and every part and parcell thereof To have & To hold the sd plantation or Tract of Land and all and singular other the p.rmisses with their and every of their appurtenances unto the sd Edward Pye his heires and Assignes to only use & behoofe of the sd Edw Edward Pye his heires and Assignes for ever And the said Penelope Cornwallis & her heires the sd Tract of Land and all and singular other the p.rmisses unto the sd Edward Pye his heires & Assignes against all p.rsons Lawfully claiming any estate or demand into or out of the p.rmisses (other then against one William Hollingsworth deceased & his heires by whom the premisses were formerly Mortgaged for Two hundred and five pounds unto Thomas Conwallis afsd deceased & against the sd Indians) shall will warrant and defend for ever by these p.rsents and the sd Penelope Cornwallis doth hereby declare covenant and grant to & with the sd Edward Pye his heyres and assignes That the sd sume of Two hundred and five pounds above Menconed to be Lent upon the security of the p.rmisses (other then the sume of Nine pounds for shillings & three part thereof |
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Volume 717, Page 617 View pdf image |
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