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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 58   View pdf image
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       Shoare standing in the Bay bounded as followeth Beginning att A marked Oake
       standing West and Running for breadth by a line Drawn East to a marked Oake seventy
       five perches thence Runing by A marsh belonging to Ananessex and bay by a line drawn
       South to the Streights mouth standing against Pokemoak River five hundred Perches to a marked
       Oake for length and Running along by the Streights mouth West Seaventy five perches
       for breadth and Thence drawing a line North along the Great by to the first marked Three five
       hundred pounds Containg and now laid out for Two hundred Acres more or Lesse And alsoe
       all and singular the houses Edifices and Buildings Orchards Gardins Hereditaments and appurtenances
       whatsoever to the said land Belonging and all writeing Pattents Eavidences Whatsoever
       Concerning the Premisses or any part thereof To have and To hold the said Parcell of Land
       with all the houses and all other Premisses with their Apurtenances unto the said John
       Addison his heyres and Assignes for Ever And the said Jonathan Clarke and Phillip
       Lewen for them and their heyres the said Parcell of Land and all other the Premisses with
       the Apurtenances unto the said John Addison his heyres and assignes against them the
       said Jonathan Clarke and Philip Lewin their heyres and assignes shall & will Warrant
       and by these presents doe Warrant and for ever defend  And the said Jonathan Clarke and
       Phillip Lewin for themselves their heyres Executors Administrators and Assignes and for ever
       of them doth Covenant promise and grant to and with the said John Addison to him his heyrs
       Executors Administrators and assigns In manner and forme followeth that is to say that the said
       Johnathan Clarke and Phillip Lewin att the tyme of the Ensealing hereof is and untill the
       first Execution of an Estate to the said John Addison his heyres and Assignes by force of
       these presents shall stand and be seased Lawfully to him his heyres and assignes for ever of
       and in the bargained premises and of and in every part and parcell of a good shure Lawfull
       absolute and indifferable Estate of Inheritance of Fee simple without any Conditions Limitations
       use or other thing to alter determine or Change the same and that alsoe the said Jonathan Clarke
       and Phillip Lewen hath full power good Right Lawfull authority and true title to
       grant alien bargain sell and Confirme the aforesaid premisses and every part and Parcell of
       them unto the said John Addison his heyres and assignes in manner and form aforesaid and
       according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and alsoe that the Said John Addison
       his heyres and assignes shall and may from henceforth for ever peaceably and Quietly have hold
       use occupie possess and Enjoy the said Parcell of Land and other the premisses above by these
       presents mentioned to be bargained and sold and every part and parcell thereof without the Lett or
       Interruption or Contradiction of the said Jonathan Clarke or Phillip Lewen their heyrs or
       assignes or of any other Person or persons Clayming ^from^ by or under them or any of them or by his or
       their means Right title Consent privity or Procurement and further the said Jonathan Clarke
       and Phillip Lewin doth Covenant promise and grant for them their heyres Executors
       &.ca To and with the said John Addison his heyrs Executors Administrators &.ca To and with every
       of them by these presents that they the said John Clarke and Phillip Lewen their heyres and
       all & every person and persons having and Claimeing or which shall or may have Claime or
       pretend to have any manner of Estate Right Title or Interest into or out of the fore bargained
       promise or any part or parcell thereof by from or under the said Jonathan Clarke shall and will
       from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter dureing the Tearme and Space of five yeares
       next ensueing the date of these presents upon every reasonable Request and att the Cost and Charges
       of the Law of the said John Addison his heyres or assignes doe make acknowledge
       Execute and suffer or cause to be made done Acknowledged Executed and Suffered all and

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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 58   View pdf image
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