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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 571   View pdf image
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561)  571

       This Ind.r made the sixth day of November In the yeare of our Lord one thousand six
       hundred Ninety and one Betweene Garret Vansweringen of the City of S.t Maries in the
       province of Maryland Gent and Zacharias Vansweringen sonne and heire apparent of the
       said Garret and James Pattison of S.t Maries County in the province aforesaid Gent on the one
       part and Edward Greenhalgh of the same County Merchant on the other part Witnesseth
       That for and in Consideracon of the sume of Eleaven thousand pounds of Tobacco to the said
       Zacharias Vansweringen in hand paid at and before the ensealing hereof by the said
       Edward Greenhalgh The receipt whereof he the said Zacharias doth hereby acknowledge
       and himselfe to be thereof and therewith fully satisfied and thereof and of every part
       heires executors and and every of them for ever by these presents and of the sume of one
       shilling sterling money of England to the said Garret Vansweringen in hand also paid
       by the said Edward Greenhalgh before the ensealing hereof The receipt whereof is
       hereby acknowledged accordingly They the said Garret Vansweringen and Zacharias
       Vansweringen Have grannted bargained aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these
       presents doe fully clearly and absolutely grannt bargaine alien enfeoffe and confirme
       unto the said Edward Greenhalgh his heires and assignes forever All that part tract or
       parcell of land lying in S.t Maries County aforesaid and part of a Mannor called S.t
       Elizabeth Mannor formerly grannted unto Thomas Cornewallis Esq.r by Letters
       Patents under the greate seale of this province afterwards by meane Conveyance [illegible]
       became the Estate of Walter Hall deceased and this tract hereby intended to be conveyed
       was conveyed by Walter Hall and Margaret his wife unto the said Garret Vansweringen
       which said tract or parcell of land beginneth at the stony run beyond the Church runing
       up the north east branch of the said run to the Exterior line of S.t Elizabeths Mannor
       aforesaid thence runing north north west to a bounded spanish oake being one of the
       bound trees of the said Mannor thence runing west to a bounded white oake standing at the
       head of S.t Innagoes Creeke joyning to a parcell of land formerly layd out for Thomas
       Innis and soe runing a long the road to the aforesaid stoney runn Conteyning by
       Estimacon seaven hundred acres be the same more or lesse Together with the plantacon
       and house outhouses garden orchard barnes stables and buildings thereunto belonging
       Together with all woods trees and timber trees rights priviledges benefits and appurtennces
       to the said bargained land belonging or in any manner of way apperteyning (Except
       and alwayes reserved and out of this present grannt Fifty acres of land lying and begining at
       the bounded white oake of Thomas Solers and john Bakers land and soe runing streight
       a long the road to the utmost bound tree of the land thereby sold which the said Garret
       and Zacharias hath already sold and promised to convey unto Elizabeth Baker widow &
       lyes adjoyning to a parcell of land upon her late husbands land there And the sd
       James Pattison for the Consideracon of one shilling sterling to him in hand payd by the
       said Edward Greenhalgh the receipt whereof the said Ed acknowledged accordingly
       By the direccon and request of the said Garret & Zacharias Vansweringen Hath grannted
       bargained sold enfeoffed aliened released and confirmed and by these presents doth grannt
       bargaine sell alien enfeoffe release and confirme unto the said Edward Greenhalgh
       and his heires and assignes All that the aforesaid land and bargained premisses (Except
       the Fifty acres before excepted and the quit rent due to the Lord of the fee of S.t Elizabeths
       Mannor To have and to hold the said land plantacon houses and al other the p.rmisses
       hereby bargained and sold with their and every of their appurtennces (Except before
       excepted) unto the said Edward Greenhalgh his heires and assignes to the onely proper
       use and behoofe of the said Edward Greenhalgh his heires and assignes for ever under
       the rents and services due and accustomed to the Mannor of S.t Inag Elizabeths aforesaid
       And the said Garret Vansweringen and Zacharias Vansweringen the said land and
       premisses with the appurtennces (except before excepted) unto the said Edward Greenhalgh
       and his heires against all people shall and will warrant & for ever defend by these
       presents And the said Garret & Zacharias Vansweringen for them their heires
       executors and administrators joyntly & severally doe covenant grannt and agree to and
       with the said Edward Greenhalgh his heires & assignes in manner & forme following
       (that is to say) That they the said Garret & Zacharias Vansweringen and James

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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 571   View pdf image
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