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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 570   View pdf image
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                                                                                                                          570  (560

       or any other clause or thing to alter change charge Impeach or determine or make voyd
       the same And that he the said Charles Egerton his heires and assignes shall and may from
       henceforth for ever peaceably and quietly have hold occupy possesse and enjoy the said
       bargained land & premisses And that the same shall be remaine and Continue unto him and
       them Free and cleare and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated & discharged of and from
       all and all manner of former and other bargaines guifts grannts sales leases mortgages
       wills entailes recognizances statutes Judgements extents execucons titles troubles debts
       charges and encumbrances whatsoever (The rents and services from henceforth to be
       come due to the cheife Lord or Lords of the seigniorie or seigniories of the premisses onely
       excepted and foreprized) And moreover that he the said Charles Calvert and his heires
       and all other person & persons lawfully clayming or to clayme any right title or interest
       into the aforesaid premisses or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and
       at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request and at the cost and charges of the sd
       Charles Egerton his heires or assignes Doe make acknowledge levy suffer and execute
       or cause and procure to be made levyed suffered and executed All and every such
       further and other lawfull and reasonable Act & Acts conveyances and assureances in the
       law whatsoever for the further and better conveying and assureing the aforesaid Two
       severall tracts of land and all other the premisses hereby grannted or be intended to
       be grannted and every part and parcell thereof unto the said Charles Egerton and his
       heires to the use of him the said Charles Egerton and of his heires and assignes for ever
       Be it by fine Recovery Feoffement release confirmacon or by any other lawfull and
       reasonable wayes or meanes as by the said Charles Egerton his heires or assignes or his
       or their Council learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required
       All which fines Recoveries and other assureances shall be & inure and shall be deemed
       judged construed and taken to be and inure to the use and behoofe of the said Charles
       Egerton and of his heires and assignes and to and for none other use intent or purpose
       whatsoever In witnes whereof the parties aforesaid to these Indentures interchangeably
       have put their hands & seales the day and yeare first above writt
                   Charles Calvert                     Hen Denton
          Sealed & delivered in the presence of the make of Michaell Chevers  Tho Grunwin

       This day of Aprill 1692 Came the within named Henry Denton and acknowledged
       the within Indenture to be his Act & deed before us underwritten two of his Ma.ties
       Justices of the provinciall Court
                                                                            Hen Jowles
                                                                            Rob.t Mason

       This Nineth day of Aprill 1692 Came to the provinciall Court Thomas Grunwin
       and in open Court by vertue of a power to him grannted & produced Acknowledged before
       their Ma.ties Justices then sitting That the within written Indenture was the Act and
       deed of the within named Charles Calvert and by him signed & sealed
                                           Capt et Cognite in curadie & An.o sup.ra W Taylard Clk prov.ll Co.rt

                      Recorded the day of Aprill Annoq Dm 1692

    Maryland fs                     The Letter of Attorny
       Know all men by these presents That I Charles Calvert for divers causes & Consideracons
       and moving Have made ordained deputed & Constituted & by these presents doe ordaine depute
       and constitute my loveing freind Thomas Grunwin of the City of S.t Maries my true
       and lawfull Attorney forme & in my name & to the use behoofe & benefit of Charles
       Egerton To acknowledge either before the provinciall Court or two Justices of the same or
       before two Justices of Talbot County one deed of Bargaine & sale bearing date the second
       day of May last past made from the said Charles Calvert & Henry Denton to the said Charles
       Egerton & his heires of Two tracts of land in Talbot County conteyning together one thousand
       acres And that the same is my deed & by me signed sealed & delivered as my Act & deed
       to or to the use of the said Charles Egerton & of his heires & assignes for ever And all other matters
       & things relateing to the premisses in ord.r to y.e Recording of the sd deed & suremakeing of the sd land to y.e sd C Egerton
       & his heires To Act doe & pforme as fully & effectually any [illegible] might or could doe psonally Holding for firme
       all & whatsoever my sd Attorny shall doe by vertue whereof witness my hand & seale The day of June 1691
Sealed & delivered in y.e                                                                                                         Charles Calvert
psence of Ro Carvile
  W.m Lowry
    Richard Calvert
                                                                12 Aprill
                   The within W.m Lowry made oath that he see the within named Calvert signe seale & deliver the within Lr
                   of Attorny to the use & intent within menconed Before me         John Llewellin

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Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700
Volume 717, Page 570   View pdf image
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