Volume 717, Page 562 View pdf image |
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562 (552 Saved and kept harmless of & from all & all manner of former bargains sales guifts Grants Leases Rents charges & arrearages of rent Duties troubles & incumbrances whatsoever had made comitted suffered or done or to be had made comitted suffered or done by the said Joh Shepheard & Mary his wife or either of them their or either of theire heires or assignes or by any other person or persons whatsoever by his her or their meanes act title consent or procurement And alsoe that the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes & every of them shall and may at all times hereafter and from time to time for Ever according to the true intent & Meaning of these presents lawfully peaceably & Quietly have hold use occupy possess & enjoy the said parcell of land & all other the before bargained p.rmisses wit their & every of their appertenances & every part & parcell thereof (Except before Excepted) without any lawfull Manner of lett trouble Eviccon or Disturbance of them the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife their heires & assignes or of any other person or persons whatsoever any thing haveing or lawfully claiming or which shall hereafter have any Manner of Estate right title or interest of in or to the said parcell of Land & all other the premisses or of in or to any part or parcell thereof by from or under the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife theire heires or assignes or by from or under any other person or persons whatsoever And furthermore the said John & Mary for themselves their & either of their heires Ex.rs & Adm.rs Doth Covenant & grant to & with the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes that they the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife their or either of their heires Execut.rs Administrat.rs or Assignes Shall & will at all times hereafter for & during the time of Tenn yeares Next ensuing the day of the date of this presents doe Make Acknowledge Execute & suffer or cause to be done made acknowledged Executed and Suffered & every Such further & other act & acts thing & things device & devices conveyances & assurances whatsoever in the law with warranty against them the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife & their heires for the further & More sure Making of the said parcell of land & all other the before bargained p.rmisses with their & every of their appurteynances to be had & Made sure unto the Said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes for ever as by the sd Philip Lynes his heires or assignes or by his or their coucell Learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required at the only proper Cost & Charges of the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes In Wittness whereof the said parties to these presents Indentures have interchangeably sett to their hands & seales the day & yeare first above written Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Cleborne Lomax John Shepheard (sealed) Daniel Moy his marke Law Rockefort Mary M Shepheard (sealed) her marke and on the back side of the afsd Deed was thus written Memorand That on the sixth day of Aprill in y.e Fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord & lady William & Mary King & Queene &c.a and in the yeare of our lord 1692 Came here into Co.rt before theire Majesties Justices of the Provinciall Court for this theire Province of Maryland the within Named John Shepherd & Mary his wife and acknowledged the within written Indenture to be their Act & Deed And the said Mary being by us solely & secretly Examined According to act of Assembly in that case made & provided freely & of her own accord acknowledgeth as followeth (viz.t) the said John Shepherd & Mary his wife acknowledge the Right of the within mentioned Land & p.rmisses to be the right of the within Named Philip Lynes as those which the said Philip Lynes hath of the Gift of them the said John Shepherd & Mary his wife and those they have remised & quite Claimed from them & their heires to warrant & defend the said Philip Lynes & his heires for ever and the said John Shepherd & Mary his wife have granted for them & their heires to warrant & defend the within Menconed Land & premisses w.th the appurtenances to the said Philip Lynes & his heires ag.t them the said John Shepherd & Mary his wife & theire heires Execut.rs & Administrat.rs or any of them And for this the sd Philip Lynes hath given to them the said John Shepherd & Mary his wife the sum of twelve thousand pounds of tobacco &c.a This day came the within menconed Mary Shepherd being secretly Examined out of the hearing of her husband whether she did Freely of her own good will without any threates Feares or Compultion of her said husband Concent to the within Specyfyed who did before us acknowledge that shee did Freely Consent thereunto In Wittness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands this sixth day of Aprill 1692 Thomas Tench John Addison |
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Volume 717, Page 562 View pdf image |
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