Volume 717, Page 561 View pdf image |
551) 561 being by us alone & secretly examined according to the forme of a certaine act of assemby in that case made & provided did acknowledge that she did freely & volentarily consent to the conveying the premisses within mentioned to the sd Philip Lynes & his heires & Assignes for ever without being induced percecute by force threats or feare of her husbands displeasure Examined by us Thomas Tench John Addison This Indenture made the Fifth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety & two Betweene John Shepheard of S.t Maryes County in the Province of Maryland Carpenter & Mary his wife of the one part and Philip Lynes of the same County Gent of the other part Witnesseth That the said I Jean Shepheard & Mary his wife for a valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the sd Philip Lynes before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife doth hereby acknowledge & thereof & every part & parcell thereof doe clearly acquite Exonerate & discharge him the said Philip Lynes his heires and assignes by these presents Have given granted aliened bargained & sold And by these presents doe give grant alien bargaine & sell enfeoffe & confirme unto the said Philip Lynes his heires & assignes for ever All That parcell or tract of Land called S.t Lawrence situate lyeing & being in S.t Maryes County aforesaid on the East side of Brettons Bay & bounding on the South & West with the said Baÿ on the East with a Branch of the said Baÿ called S.t Lawrence Branch on the North with a Line drawne from a Marked tree by the path at the head of S.t Lawrence Branch untill it fall into the said Bay conteyning & laid out for Two hundred Acres more or less Togeather with all & every the Lands tenements Buildings Edifices Orchards Gardens Rights Members and Appurtenances to the said Land or any part or parcell thereof belonging or any wayes apperteyning And all Deeds evidences Pattents Grants escripts writings & Munements whatsoever concerning the same To have & to hold all & singular the sd parcell of Land & other the premisses with their & every of their appertenances before in these p.rsents bargained & sold & every part & parcell thereof unto the said Philip Lynes his heires & assignes to the only proper use & behoofe of the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes for ever (the Rents services which shall hereafter become due & payable to the Lord or Lords of the Fee of the premisses only excepted & forprised) And the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife for themselves their & either of their heires Execut.rs and Administrators doe covenant & grant to & with the sd Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes by these presents in manner & forme Following (That is to say) That they the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife at the time of ensealing & delivery of these presents are and stand lawfully & sufficiently seized of a good p.rfect Lawfull absolute and Indefeazable Estate of inheritance in Fee Simple & No reversion or remainder thereof to any other person or persons whatsoever without any Manner of Condicon or limitation of any other use or uses to alter change or determine the same Estate of & in the said parcell of land & all other the afsd p.rmisses before in & by these p.rsents menconed or intended to be granted aliened bargained sold Enfeoffe & Confirmed as they the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife can & may Lawfully & sufficiently grant convey & assure all & singular the sd p.rcell of Land & all other the afsd p.rmisses with all & singular the appurtenances unto the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes for ever according to the true intent & Meaning of these presents And alsoe the said John Shepheard & Mary his wife for them selves their heires Ex.rs and Administrat.rs doth covenant promise & Grant to & with the said Philip Lynes his heires & Assignes by these p.rsents that all and singular the said parcell of land and all other the aforesaid p.rmisses with the appurtenances before in & by these presents granted aliened bargained & sold & every part & parcell thereof at the time of the ensealing & delivery of these presents are & at all times hereafter Shall be remaine & continue clearly acquitted Exonerated & discharged or other wise upon request sufficiently saved & kept |
Volume 717, Page 561 View pdf image |
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