Volume 717, Page 353 View pdf image |
353 (344 which on the part & behalfe of the said Richard Pery his heires executors adm.rs or assignes from henceforth ought to be observed or kept except the Covenant of the said Richard Pery in the same Ind.r conteyned for paying or allowing yearely to the said Simon Wilmer or to such person or persons as he should from time to time appoynt in London one third part of all proffit benefit & advantage whatsoever that should any wayes be received had gotten or made by the said Richard Pery his heires executors or assignes for or by reason of all or any such Tobacco as the said Simon Wilmer should send or consigne to the said Richard Pery his heires ex.rs or assignes) and of & from all accons suites costs charges demannds & damages whatsoever hereafter to arrise happen or ensue to the said Richard Pery his heires ex.rs or adm.rs or any of them or which he they or any of them shall or may any wayes susteyne Expend or be put unto for or by reason of the non performance of the said Covenants grannts articles clauses & agreem.ts or any of them (except before excepted) and also of & from all costs charges demannd & demannds & damages whatsoever as shall arrise happen or Ensue to the said Richard Pery his heires executors or adm.rs or any of them or which he they or any of them shall or may any wayes susteyne expend or be put unto by meanes of any Accon or suite Accons or suites in law or Equity to be brought in the name or names of the said Richard Pery his executors or adm.rs by vertue of any power or authority hereby given or in persuance the intent of these presents to be given In witnes whereof to two parts of this present Ind.r the said Pery And to one other part thereof the said Thomas Plowden and George Plowden have set their hands & seales the day and yeare first above written Sealed and delivered in the p.rsence Richard Pery (signe) of Edw Noell Richard Gardiner Thomas Plowden Jun.r Rob.t Burman Jeremy Mount March y.e 11.th 1682/3 Then came M.r Richard Gardiner before me & made oath That he saw the within named Cap.t Richard Pery seale & deliver this writing and heard him acknowledge it to be his Act & deed Henry Darnall Memorandum That this 31.th day of October Annoq Dm 1685 Thomas Grunwin according to Lre of Attorney from the within named Richard Pery hath Entred upon the Mansion house in the name of the whole And after peaceable and quiet possession thereof had did deliver quiet possession by delivery & seizin of all the Messuages tenements lands & premisses within grannted to the within named Thomas Plowden and George Plowden in moyties according to the tenor of the within grannt and their severall heires for ever In the presence of Simon Wilmer Tho Grunwin George Thompson Edward Halsey John Wight John Read Ent.rd upon Reccord the 24.th day of November Annoq Dm 1685 P Tho Grunwin Clk |
Volume 717, Page 353 View pdf image |
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