Volume 717, Page 291 View pdf image |
291 (281 the marke of Henry Lewis Sonn of Henry Lewis of S.t Marie County desired to be recorded by the said Henry Lewis the father the 24.th day of Jan.ry Annoq Domini 1683 For the marke of his Cattle and hoggs Viz Two square peices Cutt out of the underside of the Left Eare And the right Eare Cropt under halved and over Keeled Maryland June y.e 30.th 1683 Grand Jury for the body of the Province craves allowance of this Hono.ble Court for their expences five days the Jury consisting of the number of seaventeen persons Viz ℓ Tob To sundry acco.ts for their expences as aforesaid Amounting to 5220 Rand.o Brandt Foreman Eod Die The above accompt ordered to be payd according to an act of Assembly in that case made & provided August the 3.d 1683 A Comission Issued to Thomas Dammer of S.t Maries County for y.e takeing up wild horses and wild Cattle &c unmarked &c in the said County of S.t Maries This Indenture made the Eight and twentieth day of Aprill In the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred Eighty and foure Betweene the Right hono.ble Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore And the Lady Jane his Consort formerly the widow and Relict of Henry Sewall Esquire deceased on the one part And the hono.ble Henry Darnall and John Darnall of Calvert County in the province of Maryland Esq.r on the other part Whereas Cæcilius of noble memory late father of the said Charles Lord Baltemore and Lord and prop.ry of the said province of Maryland by his Letters pattents under the greate seale of the said province bearing date the Twentieth day of Aprill In the Foure and thirtieth yeare of his Dominion Annoq Dm 1665 for the Consideracon therein menconed Did Grant unto the said Dame Jane by the name of Jane Sewall the Relict of Henry Sewall Esq.r deceased All that parcell of land Erected into a Mannor and called Mattapany Sewall lying in Calvert County on the south side of Puttuxen River Begining at a marked oake standing at the mouth of a Creeke called Gardiners Creeke and runing downe the Creeke Easterly for breadth two hundred and tenne perches to a marked oake by the River side neere the mouth of a small Creeke bounding on the East with a line drawne south and by East into the woods for the length of six hundred and sixty perches to a marked oake on the south with a line drawne west to a marked white oake standing in a drye valley on the west with a line drawne North from the said oake to the first marked tree at the mouth of Gardiners Creeke on the North with putuxen River Conteyning and then layd out for one thousand acres more or lesse And also a parcell of land lying in Calvert County on the south side of Puttuxen River neere Mattapany Begining at a marked oake by the River side neere the mouth of a small creeke the said oake being the Eastermost bound tree of the land of the said Sewall by the River side and running Easterly by the said Creeke Eighty and five perches to a marked pine tree bounding on the East by a line drawne south and by East Three hundred and seaventy and Eight perches to a marked oake bounding on the south by a line drawne west Eighty and five perches To a marked pine tree bounding to the land of the aforesaid Sewall bounding on the west with the said land on the North with the Creeke Conteyning and then layd out for Two hundred acres more or lesse Together with all |
Volume 717, Page 291 View pdf image |
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