Volume 717, Page 171 View pdf image |
171 (162 & James Johnson late of Calvert County aforesaid deceased by w.ch Comission Amongst other things it was found That the said James Johnson in his Lopps said Comission named the day that hee dyed was seized in his Demeasne as of the of One Tract of land Called Island neck Begining att a marked oake standing by a Marsh neare the head of a Creeke Called Island Creeke on the west side thereof and Runing Downe the Creeke unto the River for Length six hundred perches to a Creeke Called the back Creeke on the west with the said Creeke for the Length of Foure hundred and Five perches to a marked beech tree And with a Line drawne north & by East from the said beech tree for the Length of Two hundred & seaventy perches to a marked oake on the north with a Line drawne of east of the said oake unto the said Island Creeke on the east with the said Creeke Containing by Estimacon six hundred Acres more or Lesse the same being held of the Lopp and his heires as of his Lopps Mano.r of St Maryes in free and Comon soccage by fealty onely for all service being then yearely north in all Issues above Reprizealls Twelve shillings sterling and that the said James Johnson dyed about the moneth of February w.ch was in the yeare of o.r Lord god 1663 and that the said Tract of Land Called Island neck in the posession of the said James att the time of his death as all other the Lands of the said James w.thin his Lopps Province of Right Escheated unto his Lopp as Absolute Lord and Prop.ry of his Lopps said Province of Maryland And by the said Comission it was further found that the said William Dorington hath ever since the death of the said James Johnson and then did hold the said Tract of Land in his Lopps Right as itt appeared by the said Inquisition Remayning upon Record in his Lopps secretaryes office in his Lopps Province of Maryland And whereas his Lopp by his Deed of Grant & Under his greate seale used in the said Province for granting of Lands there bearing date at St Maryes the five and Twentieth day of October in the one and fortieth yeare of his Lopps Dominion over the said province of Maryland Did for the Consideracon of six thousand pounds of Tobacco To the hands of his Lopps Deare sonn Charles Calvert Esqr his Lopps Capt gen.ll and Cheife Governo.r and Receiver gen.ll of his Lopps Province of Maryland to his Lopps use by the said William Dorrington by the name of William Dorington of the County of Dorchester in his Lopps Province of Maryland planter Well and Faithfully paid Of his Lopps speciall grace Certaine Knowledge and meere motion give grant and enfeoffe unto the said W.m Dorington his heires and assignes for ever All that tract parcell or Devident of Land Called Island neck scituate Lyeing and being in his Lopps said County of Calvert & Begining att a marked oake standing by a marsh neare the head of a Creeke called Island Creeke on the west side thereof and runing Downe the Creeke for Length six hundred Eighty and Five perches bounding on the south with the said River for the Length of Fifty perches to a Creeke Called the Back Creeke on the west with the said Creeke for the length of Foure hundred and five perches to a marked beech tree and with a Line drawne north and by east from the said Beech for the Length of Two hundred & seaventy perches to a marked oake on the north w.th a Line Drawne east from the said oake into the Island Creeke on the ease with the said Creeke Containing six hundred Acres more or lesse Together with all and singular the appurtenances in the said Recited Inquisicon mentioned and to his Lopps hands then Came by Escheate by the death of the said James Johnson in the said Inquisicon named for want of heires of him the said James Johnson According to the meets and bounds before specified To have & to hold the said six hundred Acres of Land Called Island neck with all & Every the appurtenances before mentioned and specified According to the meets and bounds (aforesaid |
Volume 717, Page 171 View pdf image |
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