Volume 717, Page 13 View pdf image |
13 Being in the said County of S.t Maryes Conteyning by Estimacon Four hundred Acres be the same more or lesse Granted unto him the said Thomas Gerard Esq.r by the Right Hon.ble the Lord Proprietary of the sayd province according to the Condicons of Plantation as might appear by A Certeine Grant or Patent thereof passed to him the said Thomas Gerard Esq.r bearing date the Seaventh day of September in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Sixty & Three To be holden of the Manno.r of Calverton in the said Province and all priveledges & Advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise apperteyning To have and to hold the said Manno.r of Westwood and the said Four hundred Acres of Land Called the Meadowes with theire and every of theire appurtenances to the aforesaid Thomas Gerard the Younger his heyres and Assignes for Ever And the said Thomas Gerard the Younger did by those p.rsents for himself his heyres Exec.rs & Adm.rs Covenant promise and Grant to and with the said Thomas Gerard Esq.r his heyres Exec.rs & Adm.rs that for and in Consideration of the premisses before by those p.rsents Granted he or his heyres Exec.rs or Adm.rs should and would pay yearly and Every Yeare upon or before the Tenth day of October the Full & Just quantity of Six Thousand Pounds of Good Tobacco and Caske unto Marmaduke Snow Gentl or his assignes for and dureing the full terme of his the said Snowes naturall life And if it should happen that he the said Snow depart this life before Seaven Yeares from the date of those p.rsents were fully Compleate and Ended then the said Thomas Gerard the Younger did by those p.rsents for himselfe his heyres Exec.rs and Adm.rs Covenant promise and Grant to and with the Said Thomas Gerard the Elder his heyres Exec.rs Adm.rs and assignes to Continue the payment of the said Quantity of Six Thousand pounds of Tobacco unto him the said Thomas Gerard the Elder Should Soe long live And the said Thomas Gerard the Elder did by the same p.rsents for himself his heyres Exec.rs & Adm.rs Covenant promise and Grant to and with the said Thomas Gerard the Younger his heyres and Assignes to warrant the aforesaid Manno.r of Westwood with all Rights Members and appurtenances thereunto belonging and alsoe the Said land Called the Meadows And Every part thereof to be free & Cleare and freely and Clearly acquitted Exonerated and discharged from ^all &^ all manner of Jointures Dowers Titles of Dowers Mortgages former Grants Claimes or incumbrances whatsoever of any manner of person or persons whatsoever (Except One Lease Granted unto John Pyper for One hundred Acres out of the Manno.r of Westwood) to him the aforesaid Thomas Gerard the Younger his heyres and Assignes for Ever as by the same Indenture may more fully and at Large appeare By Vertue of which said Indenture the said Thomas Gerard the Younger into the said Manno.rs lands and Premisses did Enter and became Seized and possessed thereof And although the Said Thomas Gerard the Younger hath fullfilled Pformed & Kept all and Singular the things in the Indenture aforesaid above Specified which on the part and behalfe of him the said Thomas Gerard the Younger were to be fulfilled pformed & Kept according to the forme and Effect of the said Indenture The said Thomas Gerard the ^Junior^ Younger in fact saith that he being in the seizin & possession of the p.rmisses One Robert Doyne and Josh^u^a Doyne did by vertue of some Grant from his Lordpp the Lord Propry of the said Province in the life time of the said Thomas Gerard the Elder to witt about the sixteenth day of November in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred seaventy & two into the said Four hundred Acres of land Called the meadows Enter and him the said Thomas Gerard the Younger did Expell amoue and hold out after the death of the said Thomas Gerard the Elder And the said Joshua before the Right Hon.ble Charles Calvert Esq.r and his associated Justices of his Lordpp the Lord Proprietarys Court of Chancery here that is to say att the Citty of S.t Maryes upon the Ninth day of March in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred seaventy & Three Sued out A writt of Scire facias against the said Thomas Gerard the Younger to shew Cause wherefore the Patent for the Four hundred Acres of land Called the Meadows Should not be revoaked and admitted and the Same into his Lorpps hands be Seized And Gott Judgem.t thereupon for the vacateing the Said Patent And although the said Thomas Gerard the Younger did in friendly manner request the said Thomas Gerard in his lifetime and the said Rose and John Gerard Since his Death and pending the said writ of Scire facias to warrant unto the said Thomas Gerard the Younger the said Four hundred Acres of land Called the Meadows and to hold to him theire Covenant aforesaid Yett the said Thomas Gerard in his life time did Refuse And the said Rose and John since his death have Refused and Still doe Refuse to warrant the Same And the Covenant aforesaid has (not |
Volume 717, Page 13 View pdf image |
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