Volume 717, Page 101 View pdf image |
101 (92 him the said Richard Pullen all that pcell of Land Called Farley Lyeing ^in^ Cæcill County begining at a marked Oake near the mouth of the aforesaid Creeke Respecting the Land of Josias Fendall Esq.r to the East South south west downe the Bay for Breadth three hundred seventy five perches to a marked oake by the Bay side bounding on the south by a Lyne drawne East from the s.d oake for Length three hundred and twenty perches on the East by a Lyne drawne north north east for Breadth three hundred twenty five perches untill it intersects a parralell drawne from Fendalls Creeke on the north by the said Creeke and Parralell on the west by the said Bay Containing Six hundred ^& fifty^ Acres more or less Togeather with all Rights Profitts and Benefitts thereunto belonging Royall mynes Excepted to have and to hold the same unto him the said Richard Ballen his heyres and Assignes forever To be holden of us and our heyres as of our manor of Baltemore in Free and Comon Soccage by Fealty only for all maner of services Yeilding and paying therefore yearely unto us and our heyres at our Receipt at our Citty of Saint Maryes att the two most usuall Feasts in the year (viz.t) att the Feast of the Anuntiacon of the Blessed Virginie Mary and att the feast of Saint Michaell the Archangel by even and Equall portions the Rent of one pound Six shillings Sterling in silver or gold And for a Fine upon Every Alienacon of the said Land or any part or pcell thereof one whole yeares Rent in silver or gold or the full value thereof in such Comodityes as wee or our heyres or such officer or officers apointed by us or our heyres to Collect and Receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof att the Choyce of us and our heyres or such officer or officers ^as^ aforesaid Provided that if he the said Richard Pullen his heyres or Assignes shall not pay unto us and our heyres or such officer or officers as aforesaid the said sume for a Fine before such Alienacon and enter the said Alienacon upon Record Either in the provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said parcell of Land Lyeth within one moneth next after such Alienacon the said Alienacon shall be voyd and of none Effect Given att our Citty of Saint Maryes under the greate seale of our said Province of Maryland the sixth day of June in the fourth yeare of our Dominion &.ca Annoq Dom One thousand six hundred seaventy nine Wittness our selfe This Indenture made the fourth day of May in the second yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Charles Absolute Lord and Prop.ry of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c and in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred seaventy six Betweene Thomas Marsh of Kent County in the Province of Maryland gen of the one parte And Thomas Starling of the Clifts in the County of Calvert Planter of the other parte Whereas the Right Honourable Cæcillius of most noble memory Late absolute Lord and Proprietary of the said Provinces of Maryland and Avalon &c ^decd^ by his deed of grant or Pattent under the great seale uses in the said Province of Maryland for granting of Lands there bearing date att the Citty of Saint Maryes the thirtieth day of Aprill in the three and fourtieth yeare of the Dominion of the said Right honourable Cæcilius over the said Province of Maryland and Avalon &c And in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred seaventy & five did for the Consideracon therein menconed Grant and Confirme unto him the said Thomas March All that parcell of Land called Majo.rs Choice Lyeing in the County of Anne Arundell On the west side of Chessepiake Bay On the Clifts being part of a Tract of Land formerly surveyed by Robert Clerke then Surveyo.r called by the name of Majo.rs Choice part of the granted premisses Lyeing in Calvert County And begining att a marked Mulberry tree standing by a Little branch by the Bay side and runing upp the Bay side North for breadth two hundred and twelve perches and a halfe to a bounded tree standing neere a Creeke called Fishing Creeke in the aforesaid Land being the Southermost bounded tree of a parcell of Land formerly surveyed for Anthony Salloway being the part of the said Tract bounded On the west with a Line drawne west from the said tree for Length three hundred seaventy and Five perches to a marked Ashe standing in the woods in a Swamp bounded on the south with a Line drawne south from the said tree two hundred and twelve perches and a halfe to a bounded oake standing in the woods bounded On the East with Line drawne east for the Length of three hundred seaventy and five perches to the first bounded Mulberry tree being the bounded Tree of Tract of Land formerly Surveyed for Richard Bennett Esq.r on the north with the Bay Containing and Laid out for Five hundred acres more or Less Together with all |
Volume 717, Page 101 View pdf image |
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