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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3829   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, With the increasing mobility of our society
it has become difficult to maintain the physical
compactness families once enjoyed; and

WHEREAS, The present state of the economy is causing
financial problems which have contributed to the family
breakdown; and

WHEREAS, There is an increasing loss of respect for
authority and property rights as witnessed by the rising
rate of crime, violence, and drug abuse; and

WHEREAS, The family structure has historically
provided those qualities which are necessary to
maintaining a decent society; now, therefore, be it

the Governor be requested to set aside one day each year
to pay tribute to the family and to call forth those
values of loyalty, devotion, and love, which constitute
the essence of a family unit; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Governor, the Honorable Marvin Mandel.

Approved April 22, 1975.

No. 20

(Senate Joint Resolution 32)

A Senate Joint Resolution concerning

The Social Security Building at the Metro
West Site

FOR the purpose of requesting the Congress of the United
States to quickly accept the Metro West site and
continue to study the nature of the Woodlawn site
for the expansion of Social Security facilities.

WHEREAS, Baltimore City needs the revenue from the
Social Security Building at the Metro West site; and

WHEREAS, Building the site will help the depressed
construction industry; and

WHEREAS, The Metro West will help prevent urban
blight in Baltimore City; and

WHEREAS, A site is already available in Baltimore


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3829   View pdf image
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