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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3443   View pdf image
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FOR the purpose of clarifying the responsibilities for
the preparation, submission, adoption and approval
of County water and sewer plans in Prince George's
County; and clarification of hardship -exception for
the use, installation and extension of individual
sewerage systems; and permitting in Montgomery and
Prince George's Counties individual sewerage systems
to be used on an interim basis pending the
availability of adequate community sewerage systems
for certain properties; and clarifying language and
renumbering or relettering as appropriate.

BY repealing and re—enacting, with amendments,

Article 43 - Health

Section 387C (b) 1 (II) [[and (III)]], 2, 3, and 4

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1974 Replacement Volume and 1974 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That Section 387C (b) 1 (II) [[and (III)]], 2,
3, and 4 [[(VIII)]] of Article 43 - Health, of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1974 Replacement Volume and
1974 Supplement) be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:

Article 43 - Health


(b) 1.

[[ [ ]](II) In Prince George's County [[the
governing body shall establish the goals, purposes and
concepts that it desires to serve as a basis for the
plans for its county which are required by this section
and transmit the same not later than May 1, 1968, and
with annual revisions on the first day of July, 1970 and
on the first day of July in each year thereafter, to the
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, directing the
said Commission to immediately prepare and coordinate
with the governing body the water and sewerage county
plans and all revisions and amendments thereto, which are
required by or provided for in this section and all of
such revisions, plans and amendments shall be submitted
by the said Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to
the governing body not later than October 15, 1969 and
annually thereafter no later than October 1st, for its
consideration and action. The governing body of Prince
George's County shall hold a public hearing on the county
plan, and the annual review thereof, ten days notice of


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3443   View pdf image
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