[Ch. 813
which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper or
newspapers of general circulation in the county. Where
recommendations have been received from the
Maryland—National Capital Park and Planning Commission as
provided for in subsection (b) (4) (vii) hereof the
Sanitary Commission does not agree therewith, the
Sanitary Commission shall submit, in writing, to the
governing body of Prince George's County, its reasons for
not accepting such recommendations and furnish a copy to
the said Park and Planning Commission. Where
recommendations for any change in a proposed county plan
are received from the Park and Planning Commission, the
governing body of Prince George's County shall separately
consider and vote on each item which received such
recommendation. After the public hearing, the governing
body of Prince George's County shall review and amend as
it may see fit the proposed plan or annual revision
thereto and thereafter shall approve the plan or annual
revision and submit it to the State Department of Health,
all within the time requirements as elsewhere set forth
in this section. This subsection shall not apply to the
solid wastes management portion of the county plan.]
[(III)] (II) In Montgomery [County] AND PRINCE
COUNCILS shall have the responsibility for the approval
of the plans and annual revisions of such plans for
RESPECTIVE [Council] COUNCILS shall prepare a statement
of the objectives and policies to be achieved and
implemented by the plans and which shall include any or
all related aspects of planning, zoning, population
estimates, engineering, economics and State, regional,
municipal, local and area plans to be taken into
consideration, included in, or noted by the plans. The
County Council may make such annual revisions in its
established objectives and policies as it deems
necessary. The RESPECTIVE [county executive] COUNTY
EXECUTIVE shall have the responsibility for preparing the
plans and annual revisions of plans for Montgomery
[County] AND PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTIES to achieve the
objectives and policies established by the County.
[Council] COUNCILS. The Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission and the Maryland—National Capital Park and
Planning Commission shall provide to the Council and
county executive such information and assistance as may
be reasonably required by either or both of them for
their respective above—stated functions in the
preparation, review and adoption of the plans and annual
revisions thereof, with the procedures for the requests
and for the transmittal of responses, including a
reasonable timetable therefor, to be worked out among the
county executive and the Council and the two commissions.
The Sanitary Commission shall provide requested