fees for advertising [same] to be as follows: For
advertising the list of delinquent taxpayers, [fifty] 50
cents for each name in each paper [that] IN WHICH they
shall be advertised; AND for advertising [said] sales,
[four dollars] $4.00 for each delinquent in each paper in
which they shall be advertised. These advertising fees
shall be paid to the treasurer who shall apply them to
the cost of advertising. [In addition, the treasurer
shall be entitled to the following fees as compensation:
one dollar ($1.00) for each name advertised in the list
of delinquent taxpayers and one dollar ($1.00) for each
name advertised in the advertisement of sale.] The
advertisement of sale shall contain the name of the
person, persons, or corporations assessed, the property
upon which the taxes are due and in arrear, with a brief
description of the property, its general location, and
such reference to the title records in the clerk's office
as to render [same] THEM easy of identification, the
amount of taxes due and in arrear [thereon], together
with the interest, costs and expenses accrued and to
accrue [thereon] on the day of sale, including[, but not
limited to the treasurer's fees,] advertising fees,
notary fees and auctioneer's fee, to which general list
of items shall be appended a notice that if [such] THE
taxes are not paid on or before a day to be named
[therein], not less than [twenty—five] 25 nor more than
[thirty] 30 days from the date of the first
advertisement, together with the accrued interest
[thereon] and proportionate cost of advertising fees, the
treasurer shall proceed at 10 o'clock a.m. on the day
named, at the courthouse door in [said] THE county, to
offer each and every parcel of land, premises and other
property for sale to the highest bidder for cash.
shall take effect July 1, 1975.
Approved March 4, 1975.
(House Bill 286)
All ACT concerning
1975 State Budget - Additional Positions
FOR the purpose of excepting State positions necessary
for the administration and operation of certain
Federal unemployment insurance programs and certain