eighty-five decimal zero, five (485.05) feet to a point
Easting 1,210,580.74 Northing 197,752.77; thence
generally along he south side of said U.S. Route 50 North
seventy—three degrees twenty-two minutes twenty—seven
seconds West (N 73° 22' 27" W) one thousand five-hundred
and forty—one decimal eight, zero (1,541.80) feet to a
P.K. nail east of Civic Avenue Basting 1,209,103.40
Northing 198,193.91; thence along he south shoulder of
U.S. Route 50 North eighty—two degrees forty—nine minutes
eleven seconds West (N 82° 49' 11" W) six hundred and
thirty-one decimal eight, four (631.84) feet to a P.K.
nail Easting 1,208,476.52 Northing 198,272.88; thence
South four degrees fifty—one minutes fifty seconds East
(S 4° 51' 50" E) one thousand eighty—nine decimal three,
zero (1,089.30) feet to a cement post on the northerly
right—of—way line of Wyman Drive said point being the
southwest corner of Milford Twilley's property Easting
1,208,568.88 Northing 197,187.50; thence by and with said
right—of—way line North eighty—six degrees nineteen
minutes thirty-five seconds East (N 86° 19' 35" E)
seventy—eight decimal nine, five (78.95) feet to a point
near the west side of Civic Avenue Easting 1,208,647.67
Northing 197,192.56; thence generally along the west side
of Civic Avenue South twenty—three degrees ten minutes
thirty-three seconds West (S 23° 10' 33" W) two hundred
and thirty decimal zero, zero (230.00) feet to a point
Easting 1,208,557.15 Northing 196,981.12; thence
generally along the boundary line between the residential
properties on the south side of Wynan Drive and the lands
of the Wicomico County Board of Education South
eighty—six degrees thirty—five minutes sixteen seconds
West (S 86° 35' 16" W) one thousand ninety—five decimal
zero, nine (1,095,09) feet to a cement post Easting
1,207,464.00 Northing 196,915.94; thence still generally
along the boundary line between the residential
properties on the west side of Wyman Drive and the lands
of the Wicomico County Board of Education North zero
degrees twenty—one minutes forty—nine seconds West (N 0°
21' 49" W) one thousand three hundred and forty—nine
decimal four, three (1,349.43) feet to a P.K. nail on the
south shoulder of U.S. Route #50 Easting 1,207,455.44
Northing 198,265.35; thence along the shoulder of said
U.S. Route #50 South eighty—three degrees four minutes
eighteen seconds West (S 83° 04' 18" W) forty-four
decimal three, five (44.35) feet to a point on the
existing Corporate Limit Easting 1,207,411.41 Northing
198,259.99; thence by and with the Corporate Limit South
twenty—six degrees twenty—five minutes forty—seven
seconds West (S 26° 251 47" W) two thousand two hundred
and forty-one decimal two, five (2,241.25) feet more or
less to the point of beginning and containing
approximately 225.52 acres. All bearing and coordinates
are referred to the Maryland State Coordinate System.