side of Glen Avenue South seventy degrees fifty-five
minutes three seconds East (S 70° 55' 03" E) one thousand
two hundred and forty—five decimal zero, five (1,245.05)
feet to a point on the east side of Memorial Plaza
Easting 1,207,590.46 Northing 195,845.95; thence along
the east side of Memorial Plaza South nineteen degrees
nineteen minutes forty—seven seconds West (S 19° 19' 47"
W) five hundred and ninety—three decimal five, zero
(593.50) feet to a point at the north side of North Park
Drive and on the Corporate Limit Easting 1,207,394.01
Northing 195,285.91; thence by and with the Corporate
Limit the following five courses: (1) along the north
side of North Park Drive South seventy—four degrees
forty-eight minutes thirty-two seconds East (S 74° 48'
32" E) two hundred and thirty—five decimal four, zero
(235.40) feet to a point Easting 1,207,621.18 Northing
195,224.23; (2) thence still along the north side of
North Park Drive South forty—four degrees thirty—six
minutes twenty seconds East (S 44° 36' 20" E) one
thousand seventy decimal nine, six (1,070.96} feet to a
point Easting 1,208,373.24 Northing 194,461.75; (3)
thence still along the north side of North Park Drive
South seventy—seven degrees thirty—five minutes
thirty-five seconds East (S 77° 35' 35" E) six hundred
and eighty—one decimal eight, eight (681.86) feet to a
cement post on the northerly right—of—way line of Beaglin
Park Drive said point being the southeast corner of the
land of Manhattan Industry Easting 1,209,039.19 Northing
194,315.25; (4) thence by and with the easterly boundary
of said land North twenty-four degrees fifteen minutes
four seconds East (N 24° 15' 04" E) nine hundred and
sixty—one decimal three, six (961.36) feet to a cement
post on the southerly right—of—way line of Glen Avenue,
said point being the northeast corner of land of
Manhattan Industy Easting 1,209,434.06 Northing
195,191.77; (5) thence by and with said right—of—way line
South seventy degrees fifty—one minutes fifty-six seconds
East (S 70° 51' 56" E) four hundred and forty-seven
decimal six, nine (447.69) feet to a point on the
westerly right—of—way line of Beaglin Park Drive Easting
1,209,857.02 Northing 195,045.02; thence by and with the
westerly right-of-way line of Beaglin Park Drive North
twenty—eight degrees thirty—three minutes five seconds
East (N 28° 33' 05" E) three hundred and sixty-eight
decimal zero, seven (3 68.07) feet to a point Easting
1,210,032.94 Northing 195,368.33; thence still by and
with said right—of—way line North twenty-four degrees
nine minutes thirty—five seconds East (N 24° 9' 35" E)
two thousand four hundred and ninety—two decimal five,
nine (2,492.59) feet to a point on the southerly
right-of-way line of U.S. Route 50 Easting 1,211,053.11
Northing 197,642.59; thence by and with said right-of-way
line North seventy-six degrees fifty—two minutes fourteen
seconds West (N 76° 52' 14" W) four hundred and