following the centerline of Forty—first Place to the
intersection of the centerline of Emerson Street; thence
westerly following the centerline of Emerson Street to
the centerline of Fortieth Place; thence southeasterly
following the centerline of Fortieth Place to the
centerline of Crittenden Street; thence northwesterly
following the centerline of Crittenden Street to the
intersection of the centerline of an unnamed but platted
street adjacent to Magruder Park; thence northwesterly
following the unnamed but platted street along Magruder
Park to the centerline of Hamilton Street; thence
following the centerline of Hamilton Street westerly to
the intersection of the centerline of Thirty—eighth
Avenue which is the point of beginning.
Description of Ward No. Three
Ward Number Three shall embrace all of that part of
the city bounded as follows: Beginning for the same at a
point in the center of Queens Chapel Road at the end of
the point referred to as having Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission Coordinates of East 16,056.21 feet
and North 26,668.92 feet in section 45-23, of the code of
Public Local Laws of Prince George's County, 1963
Edition, thence running with two lines of the present
boundaries of the City of Hyattsville (1) North 26
degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds West 21.84 feet and (2)
North 26 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds West 263.73 feet
to a stone found, said stone also being the end of the
second line of a 0.9240 acre tract described in a deed
from the Byrd Development Corporation to the Mayor and
City Council of Hyattsville in Liber 2126 at folio 491,
thence running with the third line of Liber 2126 at Folio
491, (3) North 29 degrees 09 minutes 48 seconds East
160.11 feet to the southwesterly side of 100 foot wide
Queensbury Road, thence running with said side of said
Queensbury Road by a curve to the right whose radius and
central angle are 765.67 feet and 36 degrees 37 minutes
38 seconds respectively, whose long chord is (4) North 42
degrees 31 minutes 23 seconds West 48 1.17 feet for an arc
distance of 489.47 feet to a point, thence running, (5)
North 65 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds East 472.47 feet
to a pipe at the end of the third line of a 8.2000 acre
tract conveyed by the Byrd Development Corporation to the
First Methodist Church, Inc., in Liber 2126 at folio 488,
thence running with the fourth line of Liber 2126 at
folio 488, (6) North 03 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds
East 281.20 feet to a pipe on the southerly side of 120
foot wide East—West Highway, thence running with said
side of said Highway, (7) North 86 degrees 27 minutes 34
seconds West 579.46 feet to a point where said side of
East—West Highway is intersected by the prolongation of
the west line of 104' wide Belcrest Road as dedicated in
Plat Book WWW 31 at plats 43 and 63, when said west line