monument number 11188; thence south 28 degrees 14
minutes 20 seconds, west, 483.28 feet to a concrete
monument number 11187; thence south 36 degrees 24
minutes 10 seconds west, 394.93 feet; thence south
37 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds west, 1570.43 feet
to a Bay Ridge Road; thence with the same north 38
degrees 08 minutes west 403.98 feet to a point;
thence north 40 degrees 27 minutes 08 seconds west,
49.75 feet to a point; thence north 44 degrees 52
minutes 08 seconds west 91.16 feet; thence north 53
degrees 32 minutes 08 seconds west, 75.86 feet;
thence north 56 degrees 29 minutes 18 seconds west
1043.41 feet; thence crossing the Bay Ridge Road,
south 31 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds west 30.95
feet to the northeast corner of the Hillsmere
Estates property in an approximate center line of a
dirt road; thence with the boundaries of the
Hillsmere property south 31 degrees 42 minutes 10
seconds west 782.77 feet to a concrete monument in
the old abandoned Annapolis Neck Road; thence north
38 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds west 87.08 feet to
a monument found, north 19 degrees 33 minutes 40
seconds west 200.96 feet to a monument found, north
32 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds west 183.59 feet to
a pipe set in the northerly extension of the east
side of Hillsmere Drive as shown on Plat 1, Section
3, Hillsmere Estates, recorded among the land
records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 25, page
7; thence crossing part of Hillsmere Drive north 32
degrees 47 minutes west 112.57 feet to monument
number 11283; thence with the approximate centerline
of the Annapolis Neck Road north 30 degrees 35
minutes 40 seconds west 273.27 feet; thence north 50
degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds west 136.48 feet;
Thence north 71 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds
west 348.56 feet to a concrete monument number 11286
set in the approximate centerline of the Annapolis
Neck Road; thence north 48 degrees 59 minutes 40
seconds west 34.42 feet to the north side of Old
Annapolis Neck Road; thence with the north side of
said road and the outline of the conveyance from the
Coastal Development Corp. to Bernard L. Frishman and
Nathan Wechsler by deed dated May 13, 1963, and
recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel
County in Liber L.N.P. 1657, folio 394, the
following courses and distances; north 71 degrees 12
minutes 50 seconds west 158.83 feet, north 69
degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds west 150.33 feet and
north 66 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds west 127.63
feet and north 67 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds west
223.20 feet; thence leaving the north side of said
road and running with the westernmost outline of the
above mentioned conveyance from the Coastal