seconds west 180.28 feet to a point of curve; thence
with the arc of a curve which has a radius of 62.23
feet, a chord bearing and distance of north 73
degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds west 43.42 feet, for
an arc distance of 55.50 feet to a point of
tangency; thence still running with the side of
Clairbourne Road north 47 degrees 41 minutes 40
seconds west 25.50 feet to a point;
Thence north 83 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds
west 135.74 feet to a point; thence south 71 degrees
35 minutes 20 seconds west 120.17 feet to a point;
thence south 66 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds west
93.67 feet to a point; thence south 64 degrees 30
minutes 40 seconds west 194.18 feet to a point;
thence south 63 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds west
104.32 feet to a point; thence south 60 degrees 48
minutes 00 seconds west 93.12 feet to a point;
thence south 50 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds west
97.83 feet to a point; thence 27 degrees 35 minutes
50 seconds west 133.87 feet to a point; thence south
12 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds west 136.41 feet to
a point located where the west side of Clairbourne
Road intersects the north side of Carrollton Road;
thence with the north side of Carrollton Road and
with the part of the arc of a curve which has a
radius of 713.09 feet, a chord bearing and distance
of south 74 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west
270.57 feet, for an arc distance of 272.22 feet to
the point of tangency of said curve; thence south 63
degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds west 247.47 feet to a
point of curve; thence with the arc of said curve
which has a radius of 480.08 feet, a chord bearing
and distance of south 72 degrees 47 minutes 10
seconds west 155.05 feet, for an arc distance of
155.73 feet to the point of tangency of said curve;
thence south 82 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds west
321.51 feet to the point of curve; thence with a
part of the arc of said curve which has a radius of
551.33 feet, a chord bearing and distance of south
55 degrees 53 minutes 48 seconds west 486.31 feet,
for an arc distance of 503.64 feet to a point where
the northernmost line of Part 2 of a conveyance from
Paul S. Anderson and Virginia L. Anderson, his wife,
to James E. Rhodes and Jean W. Rhodes, his wife, by
deed dated November 5th, 1956, and recorded among
the said land records in Liber G.T.C. 1077, folio
91, intersects the west side of Carrollton Road;
thence leaving said road and running with the
northernmost line of said conveyance and as
corrected to Annapolis metropolitan sewage
commission grid north, north 60 degrees 13 minutes
10 seconds west 169.03 feet; thence south 16 degrees
38 minutes 20 seconds west 67.53 feet to a concrete