minutes 20 seconds west 495.77 feet to a concrete
monument number 11026 near the south side of an
existing private road; thence south 67 degrees 27
minutes 40 seconds west 698.04 feet to a concrete
monument number 11027 near the west side of an
existing private road; thence south 87 degrees 58
minutes 30 seconds west 287.97 feet to a concrete
monument number 11028; thence south 38 degrees 48
minutes 20 seconds west 192.55 feet to the east side
of Edgewood Road; thence with the same, south 01
degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds west, 87.54 feet to a
point; thence leaving said road and running south 39
degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds east, 453.23 feet to a
point on the south side of Blackwell Road, 30 feet
wide, as shown on a recorded plat of "Carr's Manor";
thence with the south side of said road, south 78
degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds east, 148.39 feet to
the intersection of the south side of Blackwell Road
and the west side of Turner Road; thence with the
west of Turner Road, south 11 degrees 37 minutes 50
seconds west, 412 feet to a pipe found; thence
crossing said road, south 02 degrees 22 minutes 10
seconds east, 31.73 feet to a concrete monument
number 11189;
Thence south 78 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds
east 638.75 feet to a point which is the
southwesternmost corner of a conveyance from Arend
J. Thomas (widower) to Jerry Wolman and Ann Wolman,
his wife, et al, by deed dated September 16th, 1963,
and recorded among the aforesaid land records in
Liber L.N.P. 1963, folio 400; thence with the
westernmost and northernmost lines of said
conveyance, north 11 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds
east 472.00 feet to a point and south 78 degrees 22
minutes 10 seconds east 301.51 feet to the
northeasternmost corner of said conveyance, said
point being in the outlines of a 23.71
acre—conveyance from the R.D.K.&W. Real Estate
Company, Inc. to Jerry Wolman and Ann Wolman, his
wife, et al, by deed dated January 22nd, 1963 and
recorded among the said land records in Liber L.N.P.
1631, folio 190, running from thence and with the
outlines of said conveyance north 10 degrees 29
minutes 50 seconds east 294.91 feet to a point;
thence north 12 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds east
661.11 feet to a point; thence south 76 degrees 05
minutes 40 seconds east 725.70 feet to a point,
thence south 68 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds east
334.12 feet to a point on the water edge of Lake
Heron; thence with a line which crosses Lake Heron
south 23 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds east 358.79
feet to a point on the north side of a 40 foot road;
thence with the same south 80 degrees 50 minutes 00