PROVIDED FURTHER, that the said property will be
placed upon the tax rolls of the City of Annapolis
immediately upon the effective date of this annexation.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that this resolution shall not
become effective until the end of the forty five (45) day
period next following the date of its enactment.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that Section 1(a) of the Charter
of Annapolis be, and it is hereby amended to read as
Sec. 1. Boundaries of city; wards; election,
qualifications, terms and compensation of
mayor and aldermen.
(a) The boundaries of the city of Annapolis
shall be as follows: All that area or part of Anne
Arundel County, Maryland, included within the metes
and bounds hereinafter stated; saving and excepting
therefrom all United States government property
included within said area. Said area being
described as follows: Beginning for the same at a
concrete monument near the mouth of Back Creek, said
monument being coordinate station number 11255 of
the Annapolis metropolitan sewage district and
distant north 18309.93 feet and east 30729.69 feet
from the origin of coordinates located at latitude
north 38 degrees 55 minutes longitude west 76
degrees 35 minutes (1927 datum) and running from
said point of beginning the following courses and
distances, to wit: South 44 degrees 03 minutes 50
seconds east 274.96 feet to a concrete monument
number 11256; thence south 20 degrees 18 minutes 40
seconds east 236.92 feet to a point near the high
water line of the Severn River; thence leaving the
Severn River and running south 50 degrees 34 minutes
50 seconds west 217.88 feet to a concrete monument
number 11016; thence south 28 degrees 19 minutes 40
seconds west 300.00 feet to a concrete monument
number 11017; thence south 75 degrees 18 minutes 50
seconds west 309.95 feet to a point near the west
side of a private road; thence south 4 degrees 25
minutes 50 seconds east 476.80 feet to a concrete
monument number 11019; thence south 26 degrees 01
minutes 40 seconds west 246.21 feet to a point on
the west side of a 30 foot road; thence with the
west side of the same, south 02 degrees 07 minutes
west, 714.66 feet to a point, thence leaving said
road, south 41 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds west,
340.81 feet to a concrete monument number 11023;
thence south 52 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds west
342.48 feet; thence south 3 degrees 28 minutes 00
seconds east 279.37 feet; thence south 6 degrees 09