there found, South 62 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds
East 39.86 feet to a concrete monument there found,
South 26 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds West 48.67
feet to a concrete monument there found, North 61
degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds West 39.70 feet to a
concrete monument there found, South 26 degrees 32
minutes 30 seconds West 120.94 feet to a curve to
the left having a radius of 102.00 feet; thence
leaving said Route Number 2 and running with said
curve and the Interchange of Route Number 2 into
Forest Drive, as shown on Maryland State Roads
Commission Plat Number 9922, on an arc of 149.16
feet to the said line between the Second and Sixth
Assessment Districts; thence leaving said State
Roads Commission Right of Way and running with said
Annapolis City Boundary Line North 37 degrees 09
minutes 15 seconds East 784.96 feet to the
divisional line between the tract leased by Wagner
to Alray and the Property conveyed by the T. S.
Realty Company to R & R Enterprises; thence leaving
said Property leased to Alray and running through
the conveyance to R & R Enterprises—continuing
North 37 degrees 09 minutes 15 seconds East 180.01
feet to the place of beginning. Containing 3.786
Acres, more or less,, As described by Edward Hall,
III & Associates, P. A., in February 1973; and being
based on a survey made by Edward Hall, III,
Registered Land Surveyor, in June 1962.
BEING part of the two following conveyances;
(1) T. S. Realty Company to R & R Enterprises by
deed dated February 5, 1973, and recorded among the
Land Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland in
Liber M.S.H. 2560, Folio 853; (2) and the Property
leased by Clemens M. Wagner and Mary D. Wagner, his
wife, to Alray Enterprises, Incorporated, dated
November 5, 1965, and recorded among the Land
Records of Anne Arundel County in Liber L.N.P. 1942,
Folio 94.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said property will continue
in its presently zoned "Town Center" Classification
subject to all conditions and provisions as to its
permitted and prohibited uses as the same are now set
forth under the laws and regulations appertaining to
lands in Anne Arundel County outside of the City of
Annapolis until such time as the MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF
THE CITY OF ANNAPOLIS may, after due notice hearing and
consideration, determine the appropriate zoning
classification or classifications for said property as
the same may be now or hereafter provided for under the
provisions of the Charter and code of the City of