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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3074   View pdf image
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3074                                                VETOES

acquire such property on behalf of the State, and
prohibits railroad companies from selling or otherwise
disposing of the property unless the Secretary has first
released that preferential right.

I have been advised by various representatives of
the railroad industry that they have no objection
whatever to authorizing the Secretary to condemn or
otherwise purchase unused or abandoned railroad property.
However, they do point out that Senate Bill 548, as
drafted, would give rise to numerous technical and
practical difficulties in the normal disposition of their
surplus properties, as well as create many uncertainties
and clouds on the title to such properties.

Senate Bill 548 is a departmental bill, introduced
at the request of the Department of Transportation. The
Secretary of Transportation has advised me that he
recently met with the affected railroad companies and
that he has been assured by them of their fullest
cooperation in achieving the purposes of this bill,
administratively and voluntarily. On the basis of these
assurances, and in light of the administrative procedures
agreed to by those concerned, the Secretary concurs in
the veto of this bill.

For these reasons, I have decided to veto Senate
Bill 548.


/s/ Marvin Mandel


Senate Bill No. 706 — Senior Citizens in
Community Colleges

AN ACT concerning

Higher Education — Senior Citizens

FOR the purpose of providing that a resident senior
citizen may enroll, without tuition charge, in
certain classes offered by [[his]] a community
college [[which have at least 10 regularly enrolled

May 31, 1974.
Honorable William S. James


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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3074   View pdf image
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