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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
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1973]                                OF THE SENATE                                    19


The President laid before the Senate bills for a third reading as following:
SENATE BILL NO. 4—By the President (Administration):
AN ACT concerning

Emergency Powers—Energy Crisis                           

FOR the purpose of providing for certain powers of the Governor, until
[[July]] a certain date [[1, 1974]], in energy crisis emergency
situations, relating to the Governor's power to exercise certain au-
thority to implement federal energy programs, and making provi-
sion for the effect of this Act upon other State and local laws and
upon certain actions thereunder.

Two-thirds of the Senate elected having voted in the affirmative by
yeas and nays, as follows, complying with the Constitution, put bill on
its third reading and final passage.



President, Mrs. Abrams, Bailey, Bishop, Blount, Bozick, Clark, Conroy, Coolahan,
Crawford, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Goodman, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin,
Malkus, Mason, McGuirk, Miller, Mitchell, Mrs. Nock, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut, Smelser,
Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steers, Steinberg, Stone, Wilson.                              Total—35


Which was read the third time and passed by yeas and nays as follows:



President, Mrs. Abrams, Bailey, Bishop, Blount, Bozick, Byrnes, Clark, Conroy,
Coolahan, Crawford, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer, Lipin,
Mason, McGuirk, Miller. Mrs. Nock, Pascal, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut, Smelser, Snyder,
Staszak, Staten, Steers, Steinberg, Stone, Thomas, Wilson.                             Total—35



Goodman, Lapides, Malkus, Mitchell.                                                        Total—4

Said bill was then sent to the House of Delegates.


The Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared and delivered the
following message.

SENATE BILL NO. 2—By Senator James:
AN ACT concerning

Appropriation for the Expenses of the Special Session

FOR the purpose of making an emergency appropriation for the payment
of the expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for the Second
Extraordinary Session of 1973.

Endorsed as having been read the third time and passed by yeas and
nays in the House of Delegates.


At 11:25 o'clock P.M. on motion of Senator Snyder duly seconded,
the Senate adjourned until Monday, Nov. 12, 1973 at 4:00 o'clock P.M.


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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
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