Marvin Mandel, Governor 1555
(a) Whenever in the opinion of any board the registration forms
have become filled in and can no longer be used, the information
contained thereon shall be transcribed on new forms under the
supervision and direction of the board. When new forms are pre-
pared in accordance with this subsection the judges of election,
after determining that the person offering to vote is in fact the duly
registered voter transcribed thereon, shall require the voter to sign
the new binder form before issuing a voter authority card.
(a) If at any election, it shall appear that the original registra-
tion form of any person presenting himself as a voter is not among
the cards constituting the precinct register for use on election day,
such person may apply to the board, or a majority of its members
on forms to be provided by the board, for a certificate entitling him
to cast his ballot in spite of the absence of such original registration
form. Upon receipt of any application of such a certificate accom-
panied by proof of the identity of the applicant, a majority of the
board shall inspect the duplicate registration forms retained in the
office of the board, and if inspection discloses that the applicant is
a duly registered voter, a majority of the board shall make reason-
able effort to locate the applicant's original registration form. If
such original form is not found and if a majority of the board shall
be satisfied that its absence is not due to fraud or malfeasance, the
board or a majority of its members shall issue its certification, to
the judges of the precinct in which the applicant is found to be a
registered voter. The certificate shall be marked "Temporary Cer-
tificate of Registration," shall be in the form provided by subsection
(c) of this section, and shall be sufficient authority to permit the
voter to cast his ballot in his precinct as though his original regis-
tration form were present. The certificate, when completed by the
judges shall be retained by the judges and returned to the board at
the time prescribed for the return of the original registration forms.
(b) Each candidate for nomination for judge of the circuit court
for a county or for Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City,
each candidate for nomination for Judge of the Court of Special
Appeals, and each candidate for nomination for Judge of the Court
of Appeals of Maryland shall file his certificate under oath with
the State Administrative Board of Election Laws. [Each candidate
for nomination for Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
shall file his certificate under oath with the board in Baltimore City.]
(a) No person who has been defeated for the nomination for
any office in a primary election, except a candidate for the office of
judge, and except as provided in subsection (b) below, shall have
his name printed on the ballot at the succeeding general election as a
candidate for any office. Nothing in this subsection shall be inter-
preted as being applicable to candidates for nomination of their
party for President of the United States who have been defeated in
a Presidential preference primary election.