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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1554   View pdf image
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1554                            Laws of Maryland                      [Ch. 571

mileage at the rate established for State employees from his place of
residence to the place of meeting and return.


(a) Each board shall have an office and shall provide all supplies
and equipment necessary [and proper for the registration of voters
and the conduct of all elections.], not inconsistent with the provisions
of this article, including that required by the State Administrative
Board of Election Laws, for the proper and efficient conduct of voter
registration and all elections.


Each board shall give public notice of the time and place of all
elections in each precinct. Such notice shall be given in newspapers
of general circulation; in the discretion of the board, notice may also
be given by handbills set up in such public places in each precinct
as the board may determine.

(a)    In the counties, each board shall give ten days' notice of the
time and place of all elections by advertisements, if same can be
procured at the [current] lowest available local rate for commercial
advertising, in at least two newspapers of general circulation pub-
lished in the county except that in those counties where there is only
one newspaper published which is a weekly of general circulation,
then in such weekly newspaper.

(1)    In Dorchester County, such notices shall be in three news-
papers published therein (one of which, if possible, shall be of the
principal minority party).

(2)    In Queen Anne's County, handbills shall not be authorized.

(b)    In Baltimore City, the board shall give notice five (5) days
before the date of the election by advertisement in all the daily news-
papers and may give such notice in one or more weekly or semi-
weekly newspapers published in Baltimore City and having a circu-
lation of not fewer than 20,000 subscribers, which will publish the
same at their [current] lowest available local rate for commercial


(a) Each board shall be open for registration on such days and
during such hours, as each board may prescribe provided that: any
board where there are less than twenty thousand (20,000) registered
voters in the county, shall be open not less than two days per week;
any board where there are more than twenty thousand (20,000) but
not more than fifty thousand (50,000) registered voters in the county,
shall be open not less than three days per week; any board where
there are more than fifty thousand (50,000) registered voters in
the county shall be open five days per week, all which days con-
tinuously during the regular business hours for the county court-
house and the county business offices[.] or at other times for the
equivalent number of hours if the board shall determine that the
greater convenience of the public is served.


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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1554   View pdf image
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