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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1556   View pdf image
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1556                            Laws of Maryland                      [Ch. 571


(b)    The names of the several candidates for nomination or for
delegates, members of State and local central committees, of a polit-
ical party, shall be published within not less than two nor more than
ten days before the said election in the mode prescribed hereinabove
in this section, as far as may be practicable. It shall not be necessary
to print sample ballots or cards of instructions for such elections,
but either or both shall be printed by the board in the county or
City of Baltimore, when requested by any candidate in said [pri-
mary] election, said request to be accompanied by a sum of money
necessary to cover the cost of printing.


Local vacancies shall be filled by the State central committee of
the political party to which the nominee belongs. The person filling
such vacancy shall satisfy the requirements of
§ 4A-1(a) of this
In the event of any vacancy occurring because of the resigna-
tion or death of any person nominated, or because of a tie vote in any
primary election for any office in any county of this State or legis-
lative district of Baltimore City, except as provided in § 9-5 of this
the vacancy shall be filled at least thirty (30) days before the
as follows:

(1)    For any officer elected by the voters of one county, the
vacancy shall be filled by the State central committee for that county.

(2)    For any officer elected by the voters of one legislative district
in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County or Baltimore County the
vacancy shall be filled by the members of the State central committee
of such legislative district.

(3)    For any officer elected by all of the voters of Baltimore City,
the vacancy shall be filled by the State central committee for Balti-
more City.

Where the vacancy results from a tie vote, the nominee selected
to fill the vacancy shall be one of the candidates receiving the tie


(c)    [The] Each member of the board, the custodian and deputy
custodians thereof shall make and sign a certificate in writing, and
request each party representative present at the preparation of the
machine to attest the same, which shall be filed with the board stating
(1) the identifying number or other designation of the voting ma-
chines; (2) that each registering counter of the machine was set at
zero (000); (3) the number appearing on the exposed counter which
registers every consecutive operation of the machine; (4) the number
on the seal with which the machine has been sealed; (5) that the
keys for each machine have been sealed in separate envelopes identi-
fied by the serial number of the voting machine; (6) the date and
place of the inspection and preparation of such machine and that
the proper ballot labels have been installed thereon. Each machine
sealed as in this section provided shall remain locked and pealed
until the time of examination immediately preceding the opening of
the polls, as hereinafter provided. [In addition to the aforegoing re-


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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1556   View pdf image
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