2028 Municipal Charters
(b) That the area to be annexed shall be or constitute an "M-l"
Industrial District as described in the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of
Bel Air, and shall be subject to all of the provisions and conditions in said
Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Charter of
the Town of Bel Air, being a part of Article 13 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, as recodified by Everstine's Code, 1965 edition, is
hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section
104F, which new section is hereinafter underscored, this amendment to the
Charter to be known as Amendment No. 19, to wit:
Section 104F. Annexed Area No. 17, being comprised of the lands
owned by The Harford County Fair Association, Inc., and described by
courses and distances as follows:
BEGINNING for the same at a nail heretofore set in the center line
of Toll Gate Road, at the end of the thirty-first or S 33° 21' 25" W—15.00
foot line of the 138.2470 acre 'parcel heretofore annexed and added to the
corporate limits of the Town of Bel Air, Harford County, as Annexed
Area No. 15 as described in Section 104D of the Charter of the Town of
Bel Air and of the Code of the Town of Bel Air, said beginning point
being distant 414.18 feet, as measured northwesterly along said center
line of Toll Gate Road from the northwest side of Bel Air Road (U.S.
Route No. 1), 60 feet wide, running thence binding on said center line of
Toll Gate Road, and referring the courses of this description to the Grid
Meridian of the "Maryland Coordinate System" two courses: (1) N 78°
32' 10" W—229.95 feet, and (2) N 89° 51' 30" W—225.58 feet to the
beginning of the twenty-sixth line of the above mentioned Annexed Area
No. 15, thence binding on the outlines of said Annexed Area No. 15, six
courses: (3) N 20° 42' 50" E—457.20 feet, (4) S 71° 26' 00" E—225.98
feet to a ¾ inch pipe, (5) S 55° 46' 40" E—109.20 feet to a stone, (6) S
55° 46' 40" E—174.49 feet to a ¾ inch pipe, (7) S 33° 21' 25" W—275.20
feet to a pipe, and (8) S 33° 21' 25" W—15.00 feet to the place of begin-
Containing 4.0537 acres of land.
Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution
shall become effective at the end of forty-five (45) days following its final
enactment unless a proper petition for referendum shall be filed, as per-
mitted by law.
Introduction 25 August 1969
Public Hearing 13 October 1969
Enactment 13 October 1969
Effective 45 Days—27 Nov. 69
Ayes: 5 Commissioners
Buchal, Bogdan, Draper,
Schafer, O'Neill
Nayes: 0
Velma Wolney, Clerk