Bel Air 2029
Resolution No. 27
of the Commissioners of the Town of Bel Air
to amend the Town Charter
Resolution of the Commissioners of Bel Air to
enlarge the corporate boundaries of the Town
of Bel Air and thereby amend
the Charter of the Town of Bel Air by adding thereto
a new section to be known as Section 104G.
A resolution of the Commissioners of Bel Air, adopted pursuant to
the authority of Article X1-E of the Constitution of Maryland, and
Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, (1966
Replacement Volume, 1968 Supp.), title "Corporations, Municipal,"
sub-title "Home Rule," sub-heading "Annexation," to enlarge the
corporate boundaries of the Town of Bel Air, and to amend Ever-
stine's Code of the Public Local Laws of Harford County, 1965 edition,
sub-title "Bel Air," by addition of Section 104G, being a part of
Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland as re-
codified by said Everstine's Code, a part of the Code of the Town of
Bel Air, and a part of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air, annexing to
said corporate boundaries the following area, contiguous to and ad-
joining the present Easterly corporate boundaries of the Town of Bel
Air, being lands owned by Kay Construction Company, Inc., and
Barfan Realty, Inc., which is particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING for the same, at a point on the north 4° 35' 30" east line
of the Corporate Limit Line of the Town of Bel Air as surveyed by Somer-
ville & Somerville in 1929 and as set forth in the Acts of 1941, Chapter 304,
said Line being further described as running through the subdivision of
"Ingleside," said point of beginning being North 04° 05' 07" West 201.12
feet from the beginning of the aforesaid line as resurveyed by Matz, Childs
& Associates, Inc., and running thence with the aforesaid Corporate Limits
and as resurveyed the following courses and distances: North 04° 05' 07"
West 674.27 feet to a white marble stone marked "M," thence North 69°
46' 30" West 144.23 feet, thence North 15° 29' 31" East 567.10 feet to a
stone set in the dividing line between the lands of O. G. Reedy and that of
Kay Construction Company, Inc., and Barfan Realty, Inc., thence leaving
the aforesaid Corporate Limits and running thence with the Reedy Line
the following courses and distances: South 59° 06' 14" East 1067.34 feet,
thence South 30° 55' 18" West 380.25 feet to a round stone, thence South
13° 06' 00" West 350.00 feet, thence leaving the lands of O. G. Reedy and
running through the lands of Kay Construction Company, Inc., and Barfan
Realty, Inc., North 82° 51' 05" West 284.00 feet, thence South 74° 46' 54"
West 339.37 feet to the place of beginning containing 18.1353 acres more
or less, as surveyed by Matz, Childs & Associates, Inc.
Whereas on October 2, 1969, there was formally presented to the
Commissioners of Bel Air a written petition signed by the owners of 25%
or more of the assessed valuation of the real property located in the area
described in the title to this resolution, (there being no persons who reside
in the area and who are registered as voters in Harford County elections
in the precinct in which the described area is located), requesting that the
corporate boundaries of the Town of Bel Air be enlarged by annexing
thereto the area so described; and
Whereas, the Chairman of the Commissioners of Bel Air has caused
to be made a verification of the signatures on said petition, and has ascer-