Volume 703, Page 519 View pdf image |
519 On the Back of the aforegoing Deed it is thus written, Viz.t Received on the Day and year first within written of and from the within named Gerrard Hopkins the sum of Twenty four pounds sterling Money of Great Brittain being the Consideration money within mentioned to be by him paid to us I ^say^ received by her Eliz.th E Gaither Witness mark Jn.o Ijams Joshua Warfield Tho.s Watkins On the Twentieth Day of Decemb.o 1764 came before us the Subscribers two of the Justices of Annarundel County the within named Elizabeth Gaither and Joshua Warfield and did severally acknowledge the within Instrument of Writing to be their respective Act and Deed to and for the uses and Intents and purposes within mentioned and the Land and premises therein mentioned to be the right and Estate of the within mentioned Gerrard Hopkins his Heirs and Assigns for ever According to the true Intent and meaning of the said Deed acknowledged and delivered respectively as above Before Jn.o Jams Th. Watkins Received of Mar Gerrard Hopkins One shilling sterling for the use of the Lord Baltimore being the Alienation fine on the within Twenty four Acres of Land by virtue of a Commission from Edward Lloyd Esquire his said Lordships Agent and receiver General B Bell Recorded 7.th day of March 1765 8 Ex.d This Indenture made the second day of Feb.ry in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between Benjamin Tasker Esq.r Executor of the Testament and last Will of Colonel Benjamin Tasker deceased of the one part and Major Daniel of S.t Thomas Jenifer of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Tasker Esq.r by virtue of the Powers and Authoritys to him given by the Last Will and Testament of the said Col.o Benjamin Tasker as referrence being had to the said Will may appear for and in Consideration of the sum of One thousand seven hundred pounds sterling to him in hand passed for the uses as mentioned in the said Colonel Benjamin Taskers Will the receipt whereof the said Benjamin Tasker doth hereby acknowledge and of every part and parcel thereof absolutely acquit the said Daniel of S.t Thomas Jenifer his Executors Administrators or Assignes Hath Granted Bargained and sold and by virtue of these Presents doth Grant bargain and sell unto the said Jenifer all those Tracts or parcells of Land formerly belonging to the said Colonel Benjamin Tasker called Belleir containing by Estimation about sixteen hundred and seventy seven Acres all lying and being in Prince Georges County adjoining or Contiguous to each other with all Buildings Improvements Profits Comoditys Advantages and Appurtenances thereto belonging To have and to hold the Tracts or parcels of Land and Premisses and every part thereof to the said Jenifer his Heirs and Assignes for ever to his and their own use and uses and to no other use or uses whatever And the said Benjamin Tasker Esq.r doth hereby Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Daniel of S.t Thomas Jenifer his heirs and Assignes that the said Tasker shall and will at the reasonable request of the said Jenifer or his heirs or Assignes do and Execute all and such further and other reasonable act and acts therein Devise or Devises in the Law for the better assurance and sure making of the said Premisses unto the said Jenifer his Heirs or Assignes as shall be by him or them or his or their Council learned in the Law devised advised or |
Volume 703, Page 519 View pdf image |
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