Volume 702, Page 113 View pdf image |
113) S.t Marys County fs.t This is to Certifye that D.r William M.c Williams and Cap.t Thomas Greenfield made oath on the holy Evangelst that they saw the within Bond duly Executed as the Law directs Before Recorded July 28.th 1757 4 sides Jn.o Chesley Rob.t Chesley Ex.d This Indenture made this twenty Ninth Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven between John Campbell of Ann Arundel County Taylor and Francis his Wife of the one part and James Johnson of the City of Annapolis in Ann Arundel County Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Camp^b^ell and Francis his Wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of five shillings of lawfull Money of England to them in hand paid by the said James Johnson at or before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and Sold and by these Presents do bargain and sell unto the said James Johnson all that Tract or Parcell of Land Lying and being in Ann Arundel County called Blays Neck containing two hundred Acres more or less And also all that Tract or Parcell of Land called Homewoods Chance lying and being in Ann Arundel County containing three Hundred Acres of Land more or less, and also all that parcell of Land lying on the North Side of Severn River in Ann Arundel County at the Head of a Creek called Burlees Creek it being part of a Dividend called young Richard, beginging at an Oak and Cove called Poale Cat Cove and so running from the said Oak north two hundred and fifty perches to a bounded Hickory on the Top of a Hill it being a bounded Tree of the said young's Land and the (Land) |
Volume 702, Page 113 View pdf image |
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