Volume 702, Page 112 View pdf image |
112) Maryland fs.t Ex.d Know all men by these presents that we Meverell Lock Justinian Jordan and Thomas James of Saint Marys County are held and firmly Bound unto the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary in the full and Just Sum of two hundred pounds Current Money to be paid to the said Lord Proprietary his heirs and Successors to the which payment well and truly to be made and done we Bind our Selves and Every of us our and Every of our Several heirs Executors and Administrators Joyntly and Severally for and in the whole firmly by these Presents sealed with our seals and dated this Second day of December Anno Dom 1756 The Condition of the above Obligation is Such that if the above Bound Maeverell Lock whilst he should continue in the Office of receive or Collector of the Land Tax in Saint Marys County shall well and faithfully Execute and Perform the several Duties required of him to be Performed by the Act of Assembly of this Province Entituled an Act for granting a supply of forty thousand and fifteen pounds six shillings thereof in Bills of Credit and raising a fund for sinking the same and do well and faithfully pay to the Commissioners of the Loan Office for the time being the Several Sums of Money which he shall receive or be Answerable for in Virtue of the Same Act at Such times as by the said Act is directed according to the true Intent & meaning thereof then the above Obligation to be void and of no Effect otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue Sealed and Delivered Mev.l Lock Seal In Presence of W.m Williams Just.n Jordan Seal Tho.s Greenfield Thomas James Seal On the back of the aforegoing Bond was thus indorst Viz.t |
Volume 702, Page 112 View pdf image |
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