Volume 701, Page 43 View pdf image |
43) fifty Perches it being part of the Given Line of the said Addition to Charley Forrest thence by a Streight Line to the first Beginning place Containing and laid out for Three Hundred and Eighteen Acres of Land be the same more or less together with all Rights Issues Profits Emoluments and Appurtenances to the same Incident or any ways appertaining with all and Singular the Houses out Houses Woods underwoods Cultivations Improvements and Hereditaments whatsoever with Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders to the same belonging To have and to hold the said Granted Land with all and Singular the Premisses and Appurtenances to the only proper use and Behoof of her the said Sarah Coale her Heirs and Assigns for Ever and the said Nicholas Maccubbin for himself his Heirs and Assigns Doth further Covenant and agree to and with the said Sarah Coale the afs.d Land with the Premisses and Appurtenances for Ever will Warrant and Defend to her the said Sarah Coale her Heirs and Assigns against him the said Nicholas Maccubbin his Heirs and Assigns or any other Person or Persons Claiming or to Claim by from or under him them or any or either of them In Witness whereof the said Nicholas Maccubbin hath hereunto set his Hand and Affixed his Seal the Day and Year above written Signed Sealed and Delivered Nicho Maccubbin in the Presence of us Geo Steuart John Hen.ry Carroll On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t Memorandum that on the twenty third Day of February Anno Dom 1749/50 Came the within named Nicholas Maccubbin and did acknowledge the within Written Indenture to be his Act and Deed and the Lands and Premisses therein mentioned to be the Right of the within named Sarah Coale her Heirs and Assigns for Ever and at the same time came the Wife of the said Nicholas Maccubbin who being Examined seperately and out of Hearing of her Husband according to the Directions of an Act of Assembly in that case made and Provided did acknowledge that she did Freely and Voluntarily Renounce all her Claim and Right of Dower in and to the said Lands and Premisses Before Geo Steuart Feb.ry 23.d 1749 Received of M.rs Sarah Coale Twelve Shillings and nine Pence Sterling for his Lordships use (it being the Alienation fine on the within mentioned three hundred & Eighteen Acres of Land) by Virtue of a Commission from Benjamin Tasker Esq.r his said 10 Lordships Agent and Receiver General Rich.d Dorsey Recorded February 23.d 1749 Ex.d This Indenture made this twenty third Day of February Anno Domini seventeen hundred and forty nine fifty Between Nicholas Maccubbin of the City of Annapolis and Maryland Merchant of the one Part and Richard Snowden Junior of Prince Georges County and Province afs.d of the other Part Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Maccubbin being Legally and Rightfully Possessed of in and to a certain Piece or Parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the late Prince Georges County (but that part being now called Frederick County) and Bounded as hereafter Described it being part of a Tract of land called Addition to Charley Forrest as by Patent was Granted September the Sixteenth Anno Domini seventeen hundred and twenty unto Major John Bradford for Fourteen hundred & Seventy Acres and was Conveyed unto Doctor (Charles) |
Volume 701, Page 43 View pdf image |
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