Volume 701, Page 401 View pdf image |
401) On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t Reced the day and Year within mentioned the full Consideration Money s D within mentioned being the Sum of five shillings Sterling I say reced by me £ 0 5 0 Witness W.m Webb Daniel Bennett C Carroll 1753 Sept.r 15.th 1753 Then was the within Deed Acknowledged before me according to Law 3 1/2 Recorded Sept.r 15.th 1753 Geo Steuart Ex.d This Indenture made this Tenth day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and fifty three Between James Roseberry of Queen Annes County in the Province of Maryland Planter of the one part and James Butler and Sarah his Wife of the same County of the other part Whereas the same James Roseberry in April Term last past did Commence Prosecute and bring one Writ of Entry sur disseisin against the same James Butler and Sarah his Wife thereby demanding all that Parcel of Plantable Land lying and being in Queen Annes County afsd Containing Two hundred Acres of Land more or less being that part of the Tract of Land called Brotherhood which by the last Will and Testament of Edward Wright Jun.r late of the same County was given and devised to the same Sarah Daughter of the same Edward lying between that part of the same Tract of Land Devised by the same Will to Anne Daughter of the same Edward and the Land called Fox Hill with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto which said Writ the same James Butler and Sarah his Wife did appear and did Vouch to Warranty thereof Richard Goldsmith who being present herein Court in his proper Person Warranted the Lands and Tenements aforesaid with the Appurtenances unto the same James Roseberry and afterwards departed in Contempt of the Court and made default whereby a good perfect and Common Recovery of the said Tenements & Appurtenances with single Voucher over according to the form and Course of Common Recoverys in such Case Used was in due form of Law suffered and executed Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the same James Roseberry and James Baker and Sarah his Wife for themselves and each of them their and each of their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns do hereby Covenant Promise grant declare and Agree to and with each other their and each of their Heirs Executors Administrators & Assignes by these Presents that the true Intent and meaning of the same Recovery and of the Partys thereunto and to these Presents was and is and it is by these Presents and the Partys thereunto declared that the said Common Recovery and all effects thereof shall be and enure and shall be Construed and taken to be and enure to the only Uses Intents and Purposes hereafter mentioned that is to say All that Parcel of Plantable Land lying and being in Queen Annes County afsd described as above with the Appurtenances shall be and enure and shall be Deemed Adjudged and taken and is meant and intended and by all the said Parties to these Presents it is hereby declared to be and enure to and for the only (Uses) |
Volume 701, Page 401 View pdf image |
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