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232) paid unto the said Charles Carroll his Heirs or Assigns the Sum of Twenty Pounds Sterling Yearly and every Year during the Natural lives of a certain Thomas Hynes of Baltimore County aforesaid Planter and Elizabeth his Wife and during the Life of the longest liver of them and no longer the first Payment thereof to begin and be made on the Twenty ninth day of September Instant Provided always and in Case the said Thomas Hynes shall hereafter Release and Properly Convey unto them the said Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick Thomas Russell Osgood Gee John Price and Laurence Washington their Heirs and Assigns in Fee Simple in the now Dwelling Plantation of him the said Thomas Hynes and shall remove to the Plantation of him the said Charles Carroll at the Caves in Baltimore County aforesaid then the aforesaid Payment of Twenty Pounds Sterling per Annum shall from thenceforth Cease and become Void and in such Case in lieu of the said Payment of the said Twenty Pounds Sterling they the said Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick Thomas Russell Osgood Gee John Price and Laurence Washington do hereby Covenant Promise Grant and Agree to and with the said Charles Carroll his Heirs and Assigns that they the said Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick Thomas Russell Osgood Gee John Price and Laurence Washington their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and will during the Joint Lives of them the said Thomas Hynes and Elizabeth his Wife or the life of the longest Liver of them and no longer well and truly pay or cause to be paid (instead of the Seventy Pounds Sterling per Annum aforesaid) the Sum of Twelve Pounds Sterling per Annum to him the said Charles Carroll his Heirs and Assigns Yearly and every Year to commence immediately on the ceasing of the Payment of the aforesaid Twenty Pounds Sterling per Annum as aforesaid and not otherwise In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto Interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the day and Year first above Written C Seal Carroll Lau.r Seal Washington On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t Sealed & Delivered (the Words (Recited Articles) Sealed and Delivered by the within named (Executed) and (Sterling) being first Interlined) in Laurence Washington in the Presence of Us the Presence of Us by the within named Charles Carroll Alexand Lawson Tho.s Fleming John Inch Wil Lyon Bordley R.d Croxall Received heretofore of and from the within named Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick Thomas Russell Osgood Lee John Price and Laurence Washington the within named Sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling and also received of them on the day and Year first within mentioned the within mentioned Sums of Seventy five Pounds Sterling and Two Thousand five hundred Pounds Sterling in full for the Consideration Money within mentioned to be by them paid to me Witnesses Tho.s Fleming C Carroll John Inch Bordley 1751 September 4.th Came before me one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court Ann the Wife of the within named Charles Carroll and being Privately Examined out of the hearing of her said Husband did Acknowledge that she did Release her Right Title Claim and Demand of Dower of in to or out of the within mentioned Lands and Premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the within Named Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick Thomas Russell Osgood Gee John Price and Laurence Washington their Heirs and Assigns and that the said Right Title Claim and Demand of Dower aforesaid was and should for the future be extinct as against them or any of them their or any of their Heirs and Assigns forever And that she made this Release and Acknowledgm.t (freely) |
Volume 701, Page 232 View pdf image |
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