Volume 701, Page 230 View pdf image |
230) Laurence Washington and every of them their and every of their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof doth hereby release Acquit and Discharge Hath Given Granted Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth Give Grant Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Nicholas Hackett Carew Mary Wightwick, Thomas Russell, Osgood Gee, John Price and Laurence Washington their Heirs and Assigns All those several Tracts or Parcels of Land Situate lying and being in Baltimore County in the Province of Maryland aforesaid and on the Drafts of Back and Middle Rivers and White Marsh Run in Baltimore County aforesaid Severally called and known by the several Names or Descriptions following that is to say Scrutiny containing by Estimation Twelve hundred and fifty Acres Carroll's Marsh, Containing by Estimation Six hundred Acres Fannings Neighbour Containing by Estimation three hundred and fifty Acres Slighs Discovery Containing by Estimation Fifty Acres part of Falk's Forrest bought of Joseph Thomas and being the most Southern or South East part of the said Whole Tract and which part Contains by Estimation One hundred Acres Harryman's Range Containing by Estimation One hundred Acres Carrolls Pursuit containing by Estimation two hundred and fifty Acres part of Buck Range bought of Fannings Heir containing by Estimation four hundred Acres Buck Lodge Granted to him the said Charles Carroll containing by Estimation Twenty six Acres Buck Sorape Granted to him the said Charles Carroll containing by Estimation forty six Acres James's Park bought of Thomas Sligh containing by Estimation Two hundred Acres Oblong containing by Estimation one hundred and fifty Acres Enloes Choice containing by Estimation One hundred and fifty Acres both which last mentioned Tracts of Land were by the said Charles Carroll bought of Elizabeth Loyd of Baltimore County aforesaid widow Batchelors Neighbour granted to the said Charles Carroll Containing by Estimation Six hundred and ninety one Acres Raborarium granted to the said Charles Carroll upon a Resurvey of Land she bought of Charles Crooke Containing by Estimation Two Thousand Six hundred and ninety Acres Pistole Thickett and the Additions bought of John Harryman Containing by Estimation One hundred and fifty Acres the Wood Pasturage and Ore of the Lands whereon Thomas Haynes now doth or lately did Dwell called Haynes's Industry Haynes's Purchase and part of Hazard Containing in the whole by Estimation three hundred and nineteen Acres Boreings Landing bought of Thomas Sligh being down the Creek whereon is the Oyster Shell Landing containing by Estimation One hundred Acres Greenberrys Point Containing by Estimation One hundred and seventy four Acres Andersons Addition Containing by Estimation sixty six Acres the remaining part of Harrymans Landing (exclusive of what thereof is already herein mentioned to have been Condemned as aforesaid) Containing by Estimation Fifty four Acres and Stoney Hills Granted to the afs.d Charles Carroll Containing by Estimation Twenty Acres the afs.d Tracts Pieces or Parcels of Land hereby Conveyed or Intended so to be Containing in the whole by Estimation eight Thousand two hundred Acres of Land Agreeable to the said recited Articles Together with all and every Messuages Furnaces (Forges) |
Volume 701, Page 230 View pdf image |
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