Volume 701, Page 215 View pdf image |
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215) belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Right Estate ^Interest^ benefit Claim and Demand which he the said Samuel hath either in Law or Equity of in and to all & Singular the Premisses or any part thereof and also the following Negroes to wit one Negro Woman called Nan, one Negro Boy called Charles, one Negro Boy called Peter and two Negro Girls called Hagar & Sall all Children of the said Nan, and three Negro Men namely Old Robin Young Robin and Ellick and two Negro Girls Jenny & Lidia and one Negro Boy named Jack with the Increase of the said Negroes Nan Hagar Sall Jenny & Lidia and also all the Horses Mares Black Cattle Sheep and Hoggs which are in Ann Arundel County belonging to the said Samuel Howard or elsewhere belonging to him together with the Increase of the said Cattle Hoggs Sheep and Horses and also all the Household Furniture Plows Carts and Implements of Husbandry & all other the Goods and Chattels and Effects of him the said Samuel Howard and all the Interest Right and Claim which he the said Samuel hath of in or to the same either in Law or Equity whether in Possession or Reversion To have and to hold the said Seven Tracts or Parcels of Land Negroes Cattel Horses Mares Sheep and Hoggs together with their Increase and also the Houshold Furniture Goods Chattels and Effects and all other the Premisses hereby Bargained and Sold or mentioned to be Bargained and Sold with their and every of their Appurtenances unto him the said John Brice his Heirs and Assigns for ever to the only and Sole proper Use & Behoof of him the said John Brice his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to and for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever and the said Samuel Howard for himself his Heirs Ex.rs and Adm.rs ^hereby Covenants & Agrees to & with the said John Brice his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Samuel Howard^ ^and his Heirs Ex.rs & Adm.rs^ the afs.d Several Tracts or Parcels of Land and Premisses also the afsd Several Negroes Horses Mares Black Cattel Sheep and Hoggs with their and every of their Increase also the Household Goods and other the Goods and Chattels and Effects of him the said Samuel Howard unto him the said John Brice his Heirs Executors Adm.rs and Assigns against him the said Samuel Howard and his Heirs and against all other Persons whatsoever shall & will for ever Warrant & Defend by these Presents and that he the said Samuel Howard shall and will at his proper Cost and Charge at the next Provincial Court to be held for the Province of Maryland suffer a common Recovery with Single Double or Triple Vouchers such as the said John Brice or his Council Learned in the Law shall devise or require for the Docking or cutting off the Intail of the said several Tracts of Land or so many as the said John Brice shall think proper for the more effectual Barring the Heirs in Tail & for the more firmly Conveying the said Lands to the said John Brice his Heirs and Assigns for ever Provided always and it is the True Intent and meaning of these Presents and the Partys to the same that in Case the said Samuel Howard and his Heirs Executors or Adm.rs shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Brice his Heirs Ex.rs or Adm.rs the afsd Several Sums of two hundred ninety four Pounds nineteen Shillings and two pence Current Money & three hundred sixty one Pounds fifteen Shillings and nine pence ster with legal Interest on the last mentioned Sums of Currency and Sterling at or upon the Tenth day of May next Ensuing the date hereof and also the Charge of drawing and Recording this Indenture & of drawing and recording an Assignment from the said Carroll of the afsd Judgments without fraud or further delay then this Indenture and every Article and Clause therein contained to be Void and of no effect else to be and remain in full force and Virtue in Law And the said Samuel Howard for himself his Heirs Heirs Exors & Adm.rs further Covenant and Agree to & with the said John Brice his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Samuel Howard his Exors (or) |
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Volume 701, Page 215 View pdf image |
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