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Provincial Court Land Records, 1749-1756
Volume 701, Page 127   View pdf image
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       On the back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed (Viz.t)

       Ann Arundel County April 1751
       Came before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court of Maryland
       the within mentioned Anthony Smith and Acknowledged the within Deed as his Act and Deed and the
       Lands and Premisses within mentioned to be the Right and Estate of the within mentioned William
       Hutchman and his Heirs according to the true Intent of the said Deed and at the same time came Jane
       the Wife of the said Anthony who being Examined by me privately and out of the hearing of her said
       Husband declared that she relinquished her Right of Dower in the within mentioned Land and that
       she did the same freely and Voluntarily and that she was not Compelled thereto by fear or Threats
       of her said Husband or fear of his Displeasure
                                           Acknowledged before me this of April Annoq Domini 1751
                                                                                                                               Geo Dent

       April the 1751   Received of M.r William Hitchman Six Shillings Sterling for his Lordships
       Use it being the Alienation fine on the within mentioned One hundred and fifty Acres of Land
       by Virtue of a Commission from Benjamin Tasker Esq.r his said Lordships Agent and Receiver
       General                                                                                                Rich.d Dorsey
       Recorded April 1751
9 1/2

Ex.d This Indenture made the Twentieth day of March in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
       Seven hundred and fifty Between Walter Dallas of Baltimore County Merchant on the one part
       and Charles Carroll of the City of Annapolis Surgeon on the other part Witnesseth that the said
       Walter Dallas for and in Consideration of the Sum of Ten Pounds Sterling Money of Great
       Britain to him in hand paid and Satisfyed at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of
       these Presents by him the said Charles Carroll the receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge
       Hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these
       Presents Doth Give Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto him the said
       Charles Carroll his Heirs and Assigns for ever All That Tract or Parcel of Land called
       What you Please Situate and being in Baltimore County afsd on a Draft of the North
       East Branch of Back River Beginning at a Bound Black Oak standing upon a
       Point by a small Branch which Descends into the North East Branch of Back River
       and running thence South thirty Degrees West One hundred and eighty Perches then
       South Sixty five Degrees East One hundred and twenty Perches then North Ten
       Degrees East One hundred and Ninety five Perches then by a direct line to the first
       Bounded Tree and Containing One hundred Acres of Land according to the Patent thereof
       Granted unto him the said Walter Dallas the twenty third Day of December One
       Thousand Seven hundred and thirty two together with all the Buildings Woods
       Underwoods Houses and Orchards Fencing and Appurtenances and Advantages
       thereon or thereto in any wise being belonging and appertaining To have and to
       hold unto him the said Charles Carroll his Heirs and Assigns forever the said Tract of
       Land called What You Please Containing One hundred Acres of Land with its
       Appurtenances as well against him the said Walter Dallas in any manner of Person
       or Persons Claiming or to Claim from by or under him the said Walter Dallas or his
       Heirs And the said Walter Dallas doth Covenant and Agree with him the said Charles
       Carroll that he the said Charles Carroll his Heirs and Assigns forever the said One
       hundred Acres of Land shall and may Peaceably have hold and Enjoy as well against
       him the said Walter and his Heirs as against any other Claiming or to Claim from
       by or under him or them In Witness whereof and the foregoing Premisses the said
       parties to these Presents have Interchangeably set their hands and Affixed their
       Seals the day and Year first above Written
                                                          Walter   seal   Dallas

                On the back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t

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Provincial Court Land Records, 1749-1756
Volume 701, Page 127   View pdf image
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