Volume 698, Page 87 View pdf image |
(87) Dated in London this seventh day of February Anno Dom 1731 and in the fifth year of the Reign of Our Sov.n Lord George the second King of Great Brittain &c Smith Seale June y.e 29.th 1732 Then Came before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provinciall Court of Maryland Cap.t James Aiking One of the subscribing evidences to the foregoing Letter of Attorney who Declared upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he Saw the above named Mary Woodward Sign Seale and Deliver the foregoing Letter of Attorney as her Act and Deed to the use therein Mencond sworn to before me the Day and year above Written 9 1/2 sides Recorded July y.e 5.th 1732 Cha.s Hammond WHP Shipped by the Grace of God in Good Order and well Conditioned XX by William Hammond in and upon the Good shipp Called the N.o 7 prosporous Galley whereof is Master under God for this present Voyage Peter Brock and now Rideing at anchor in the River Patapsco and by Gods Grace Bound for London to say one hh.d of Maryland Leaf Tobacco being marked & numbred as in the margent and are to be Delivered in the Like Good Order and Well Conditioned at the af.d port of London (the Danger of the seas only excepted) unto M.r William Hunt or to his assigns he or they paying Freight for the said Good seven pounds sterl p.r Toon and Maryland Duties with prinage and average accustomed in Witness Whereof the Master or purser of the said ship have affixed to Two Bills of Lading all of this Tenour & Date the one of which two Bills being accomplished the other one to stand void and so God send y.e Good ship to her Desired port in safety Amen Dated in Maryland Sep.t 13 1731 Insides & Contents unknown to 2 sides Peter Brock Recorded this 7 day of Aug.t 1732 |
Volume 698, Page 87 View pdf image |
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