Volume 698, Page 69 View pdf image |
(69) Be it Remembred that on the eleventh day of Aprill One Thousand seven hundred and thirty two came the within Geo Buchannan and acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and Deed and the Land and Premisses therein Mencond to be the right and Title of the within Charles Carroll his heirs and assignes for ever and at the same time came Elinor Wife of the said Geo Buchannan who being parted and privately examined out of the hearing of her Said Husband Did Confess that her Consent thereto was Volentary and without Constrains of her Said Husband Before us the subscribers Two of his Lordships Justices Justices of the Peace for Baltemore County 6 sides Rich.d Gist Tho.s Sheredine (Recorded this 8.th day of May 1732) x.d This Indenture made the second Day of February Anno Dom 1731 and in the fifth year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Between Elizabeth Kirkby formerly Elizabeth Carter of Maryland but now of London Widow of the one Part and Jeremiah Thomas of London Gent of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Jeremiah Thomas for Himselfe his Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth Covenant Promise and Agree to and with the Said Elizabeth Kirkby her Ex.rs Adm.rs & Assignes by these Presents in Manner following (that is to say) that he the said Jeremiah Thomas shall and will as soon as oppertunity of shipping presents after the Date hereof Embark on Board such shipp or Vessell Bound for Maryland as the Said Elizabeth Kirkby shall order and Direct when being safely arived shall and will imediatly take upon himselfe the Trust and Agency for mannageing and improving the plantation and plantations of her the Said Elizabeth Kirkby scituate & being in or near Miles River in Maryland aforesaid and all her Effects Tobaccos Cattle Negroes and Husbandry in Maryland according to the Best & utmost of his Power skill & Knowledge and also ^shall &^ will use his Best and utmost endeavours to Recover and Receive the Produce and Proceeds of her the said Elizabeth Kirkby plantations scituate as aforesaid and of all the stock Negroes Cattle & things thereunto belonging or in any Wise appurtaining and also all other the Said Elizabeth Kirbys Estate and Effects Whatsoever in Maryland aforesaid and the said Jeremiah Thomas for himselfe his Heirs Ex.rs & Adm.rs Doth further (Covenant) |
Volume 698, Page 69 View pdf image |
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